Damn liar.

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"Well, all to do now is.. to take our routes back home." I hesitantly said.

"Yeah.. but it won't be long until we see eachother again." He said, grabbing by the waist and pulling me in.

"Is- everything going to be okay between you and your father?" I said with a concerned look.

"You, don't need to worry about that Sonic. Everything is going to be fine." He answered, cupping my cheek and giving me a kiss.

"Alright then I'm off-" I said, turning away from him and slowly heading forward.

Damn it, I really want to tell him.. tell him that I love him! Lara's words repeat in my mind.

'You have strong feelings for him, don't you?'

Of course I do! But this love sort of thing.. is still so new to me. But the worse thing is that..

What if he doesn't feel the same?

"Sonic, wait!" I heard Knuckles call out.

"Yes?" I asked, turning around quickly.

"I- uh.. nevermind- just be careful okay?" He slightly smiled.

"The same goes for you Knux.." I smiled and then nodded.

Though I'm pretty sure.. that's not what he wanted to say..

Now arriving home, I take a step inside and see Tails reading something that seemed like a manual. Once he saw me, he gasped, quickly putting the manual down and jumped onto me.

"Hi there bud!" I smiled.

"Sonic! You're back early!" Tails exclaimed.

"Of course! I didn't want to leave you and Longclaw for some time, now do I?" I chuckled.
"By the way.. where is she?"

"Oh, she's sleeping.. she's been pretty tired lately." He sighed.

"Is she sick?!" I frowned.

"No.. she's just- tired, that's all!" He said, slightly smiling.

"I sure hope that's the case." I said, holding a hand to my chest.

"Hey! How about.. you and me go pick a sunflower for her?" I smiled, giving a pat on his back. "Besides we haven't spent much time together lately!"

"Maybe, because you've been spending too much time with your boyfriend.."

"What was that, Tails?" I questioned.

"Nothing. Nothing.."

"Great! Then let's go. But first, in case Longclaw wakes up, we'll leave her a note that we left.. so that she won't go nuts."

And once I did that, me and Tails stepped outside and he got a hold of my arm, preparing to be off in the sky. Now slowly, my feet lifting off the ground.

"It's so amazing how you can have this kind of view, Tails!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah well.. it is pretty great.." he chuckled.

"There! The route to the sunflower garden is over there! No way we're getting lost."


Honestly, I do not want to come home.. but I don't exactly have a choice. As much as I wanted to stay with my mother for a much longer period of time, I couldn't.. Sonic also needed to come home as well, that fox and Longclaw must've been worried, even though knowing that Sonic was with me.

I slowly crept into my home, and it was pretty dark.. actually very dark.

I carefully tried to not stumble upon anything, so that I wouldn't trip. But before I could even get to the light switch, I was roughly grabbed by the arm and slammed against the wall.

"Hey, what the?!" I groaned, rubbing my head.

I see a figure heading to the light switch and flicking it on.. revealing my father.

"Father?! Why would you-"

"Where the HELL have you been?" He interrupted.

"I was-"

"If you were with that damn hedgehog again, you could've at least told me! But instead you leave some stupid note!" He rudely interrupted once again.

"You really think if I would've told you, you would understand?!" I shouted.

"Oh please! Anything that comes out of your mouth, that's not about defeating the owls or the master emerald is nonsense." He said as rolled his eyes.

I make my hand into my fist.. absolutely furious at my father's words. Why the hell would he say this?!

"You completely made me think for all these years that.. my mother left me because she wanted to.. but the truth is- you banished her!" I yelled.

"What did you say, boy?!" He said, now glaring at me.

"And now suddenly you're death?"

"Don't you dare insult me!" He shouted.

"You lied to me! Mom.. just wanted to protect me from all this, the tribe, the owls, the master emerald business, from you!"

"And how do you know all this?" He asked, raising a brow.

"Because I went to her, to get some answers and she told me everything!" I answered.

"You what?! You should've never gone to her, she's a-"

"Distraction." I said, staring blankly at him. "That's what you called her, didn't you?"

"It's a fact." He said as he crossed his arms.

"No it isn't! And I'll forbid you to call her that ever again!" I yelled.

"You don't seem to be taking your job seriously, you always seem-" and before he could finish, his eyes started slowly widening.
I would be lying if I said I wasn't concerned.

"I see what this is now.. you know, Knuckles.. ever since your interactions with that hedgehog  you've been acting awfully different." He said, literally glaring into my eyes, desperate of finding the truth.

"Now.. you're not making sense.." I said, my voice beginning to completely shake.

"Don't be a fool! That stupid hedgehog brat has completely gotten control of your-"

"Shut your mouth! I will not allow you to talk about him that way! Especially.. since it's coming from you!" I yelled.

"You're defending him?! Why?!"


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