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"What did you say?..." My father glared at me.

I did not regret what I just did because it's the truth. I didn't want to tell him now either.. but I couldn't take it anymore, I couldn't take hearing this trash talk about Sonic.

"I love him." I repeated.

"Have you completely lost your mind?! That hedgehog absolutely ruined you! I mean.. he made you fall for him.. made you fall for a boy!" He shouted.

"And I'm glad he did." I answered.

"You're disgusting."

I wasn't at all affected by his words. He may be my father, but he won't make me feel like complete garbage. I felt really relieved telling my father my true feelings about Sonic. It took me a moment to process on what to say in response but now I know.

"I don't care what you think of me, I could care less actually."

"You should be ashamed!" My father yelled, slamming his fist against the wall next to me.

"Trust me, I'm not. I'm happy of who I am." I replied.

"You lied to me.. about everything! You wanted to hang out with the hedgehog not, for the emerald but because you love him! You're a disgrace to this entire tribe!" He shouted.

"You're right.. I no longer want to be apart of this, this is madness!" I said, shoving him out of my way.

"Where will you go?! If you plan on going with your so-called partner, you think Longclaw will take you in because you're with her son!?" He questioned.

"I don't care where I'm going, but I won't stay here." I said, putting a hand on the knob.

"Knuckles,  if you step out that door..You're not allowed back here!"

"I.do not.care." I said, facing him and then I step out the door.

Never ever stepping foot here again.



For the past two days I haven't seen Knuckles and I was beginning to worry. On my morning runs, I didn't see him in the woods. When I went over to his house, I didn't see him outside like he'd usually be.

To get my mind off of it, I decided to go into Longclaw's library. Surely, I know I can't be here for a long time but I'll use the time that I have in here.

I've been going through a bunch of books that I haven't read before. I couldn't wait to read them, especially since they were about adventure, I can say I was into that.

"I'll just go through 'Red, White, & Royal Blue' one more time.. it's not too bad to go through the pages of my favorite book this one time.." I said to myself.

As I was going through the pages, something fell out.

"Huh? What's this?" I asked myself as I picked it up.

"This isn't a bookmark, it's just some folded paper.."

"Sonic, you here?!" I heard Tails call out from the living room.

"Oh shi- maybe I can see this later." I said, stuffing it into my quills.

I quickly got out of the library before Tails steps into the hallway.

"Hey, you okay?" He frowned.

"Yes!...actually, no.. I'm not." I said.

"What's wrong?" He asked, heading over to me.

"Knuckles, he- I haven't seen him lately.." I answered.

"He's probably been busy.. you shouldn't worry about it too much. Look, if he doesn't show up tomorrow, I'll help you look for him!"

"Oh thank you, Tails!" I said, giving him a hug.

"Of course! Besides.."

"What are friends for?"


I feel like I'm going crazy. Knuckles hasn't appeared for more than a week now..

Me and Tails have actually been up in the sky, to see if there's any sign of him. Sadly..

There hasn't been a single sign of him.

I haven't been to his house to look for him in a while.. so I'll go look for him there again! I won't stop looking for him..

Oh goodness, if something happened to him.. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. I haven't even told him.. that I love him, that I love him with all of my heart. I felt my eyes beginning to water.

"I gotta go Tails!.." I said, making my way to the door.

"What- but it's already getting dark! It's dangerous."

"I'll be fine." I said, completely ignoring his so-called warning and then stepped out of the door.

I'm literally getting so frustrated. I felt useless.. I couldn't find him! I couldn't.. Not to mention that Longclaw hasn't been feeling well, She's been sick. I can't handle all this. I feel like I'm slowly loosing it.

Could he be with his mother?.. but he would've told me?.. right?!

I arrive just a few feet away from his house.. and notice a figure.

"Knuckles! I'm so glad that I was able to find you!" I cried out, running towards him.

Now getting closer to him.. it doesn't look like him...

"Wait, you're not-"

"Knuckles." The figure said, turning around and revealing who it truly was.


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