Finale pt. 1

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I gazed at myself.. at my golden fur.. and my ruby red eyes looking into Knuckles'.

"Sonic, you're some sort of.."

"I'm like.. a golden god!" I exclaimed and Knuckles let out a chuckle in response.

"It can't be! How can someone like you!.. hold the power of the emerald if it's shattered?!" Locke cried out.

"It's over Locke! Stop this and our sides can have peace." I said as I stood up from the ground.

"And be made a fool of.. NEVER! GET HIM!" He yelled as he pointed a finger towards me, motioning the other tribe members to aim an attack at me.

They quickly pulled bows and arrows from their backs and shot the arrows towards me. I shut my eyes tight as I quickly covered my face, my palms facing out. I slowly start to open my eyes and see that the arrows haven't hit me at all but stopped instead. I looked at Knuckles and I see that beautiful smile on his face.

"You got this.." He mouthed his words. I happily nodded and I knew right away on what I had to do.

I had to stop all this without someone getting hurt. With my new abilities, I slammed the arrows onto the ground and took a quick look at Tails, to see him pretty shocked at my new look as well.

"Tails, you and Knuckles take care of Longclaw! I.. have to take care of somebody else." I said as I turned my head and glared at Locke.

"You fools, don't stop! Keep targeting him!"

"But sir, he's-"

"I didn't ask you to talk back! Now hit him."

I slightly bent my knees, jumped off from the ground and rose up into sky. I swung an arm into the air and knocked the bows and arrows from their hands.

I charged towards them, and knocked them down to the ground, but of course.. I watched my strength, nothing too major. All I wanted was to keep them from attacking me so I could stop Locke, But..

There wasn't any sign of him.

Damn it! Where could he have gone?!

I rose up into the sky to see if I can find him.. but no sign. So all of a sudden I have this sort of super form and now he wants to run?! I think not. I'll find him.. I'll find him whether he likes it or not! I slowly came down from the sky and I let my feet to not touch the ground, so I just floated.

I looked around in my surroundings, then at the ground and saw footprints.

"Aha! Got you now." I said and then I dashed, following the trail of footprints that laid ahead of me.

I saw a figure in the distance and I quickly assumed that it was Locke. Once I got closer.. well-

My assumptions were correct.

"YOU!" I yelled, and he quickly turned around, giving me the advantage to grab him by the neck and slam him to the nearest tree.

"You thought you could run?!" I asked.

"You have no idea who you're up against.." he said, but struggled a bit.

"No! YOU have no idea who you're up against! You're done for Locke! I won't let you hurt my family!" I shouted as I tightened my grip.

"If you- if you kill me.. my son will never- forgive you."

"Don't act like you care about him now! How could you treat your son as if he was- was.. was garbage!"

"I only tried to protect him... from you."

"You don't get to tell me something like that Locke, because it'll be I, who will protect him from YOU." I gritted my teeth.

"Sonic, you did some bad things.. I did some bad things.. can't we just call it even?" He suggested.

"NO!" I shoved his neck against the tree tightly, causing his head to hit the tree and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You can laugh all you want.. but without the power of the emerald.. you're nothing, absolutely nothing." He said, also letting a laugh.

"You're going to pay for saying that." I glared at him.

"And you.. will pay for what you've done. For corrupting my son, to make my own blood hate me.. for insulting me. I'm proud to say that.. I hate you, no, that I despise you, that I loath you more than Longclaw.

I let out a irritated groan and raised a fist in the air, ready to charge at him.

"Sonic stop!" I heard a voice cry out. I turned around to see Longclaw with tears filling her eyes.

"Longclaw, what are you- aren't you supposed to be with Knuckles and Tails?!" My angry look slowly turning to an upset one.

"I couldn't help but to think that.. you were in trouble.." she said as her tears started dripping down her cheeks.

"Well.. I'm fine! So go! I don't want you to see this."

"No Sonic! You don't understand.. you cannot be angry with the power of the emerald inside of you, it's dangerous!"

"If being dangerous.. is the key to teach this ASSHOLE a lesson, then I don't have an issue." I said, turning my head towards Locke.

"Sonic please, this wouldn't fix anything! Besides, he's the father of your partner.. the person you love! Please.. just.. put him down." She pleaded.

For some reason, tears started to fill my eyes. I've never seen Longclaw cry before, and it hurt like hell for me to see it, the person I see as my mother.. afraid of what I'd become. I slowly released my grip from Locke's neck, resulting in him falling to the ground and coughing uncontrollably. I rolled my eyes and floated towards Longclaw.

"Where's Knuckles and Tails?" I asked.

"They're back home. But, we have to go now! The owls are coming but they told me that the echidnas were on their way here.. we have to go now. The owls will follow us!

"Longclaw, wait!" Locke shouted. Longclaw and I looked back at him to see him slowly get up from the ground and slowly back away from us.

"Thank you.. for saving me, maybe you aren't as bad as I thought you were. You really are.. an angel." He said while catching his breath and holding his throat. Longclaw doesn't say anything but nods.

"But for some reason.. I can't forgive you.. and I won't forgive you."

"Uh Longclaw, the echidnas are coming and the owls as well.." I said, my head turning towards the running crowd as I gently grabbed her wing.

"And Sonic.." Locke said. I turned to face him.

"I told you, you'd pay.. for what. You've. Done."

Before I can say anything, Locke pulls a string from behind a nearby bush...

Causing an explosion.

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