Conflict starts to rise.

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"How bad will she react knowing that an echidna is here right in front of her knowing that we don't along?"

"I would say..pretty bad. It's okay though! Once  she wakes up I'll explain everything to her." The fox smiled. I let out a nervous sigh.

"Okay.. I've never tried this healing technique so who knows if it'll work, but it has to!.. for Sonic." I place a hand on the emerald, and the other on Longclaw's forehead. I close my eyes and clear my head, not thinking of anything else but only the strength and power to heal.

"Hey! It seems to be working." He exclaimed.

"Quiet Fox, I'm not done yet."

"Hmph." He replied.

"Okay, she should be fine now..." I sighed.

"Thank goodness!.. it looked like she was getting worse each day." He answered.

"Yeah.. now wake her up so we can save Sonic, I'll give you a moment to speak with her." I said as I started making my way out of her bedroom door.

When I stepped out, I leaned against the door, taking a breath. I sensed a bad illness within her.. if I haven't saved her..

She would've died.


"Longclaw! I'm so glad you're okay!" I exclaimed as I hugged her.

"Yeah.. I feel great! I think resting a lot did really help, did it?" She questioned.

"Not.. exactly."

"What do you mean?" She frowned.

"Look, I got to explain this fast!.. Knuckles brought the emerald and he-"

"HE WHAT?!" She shouted as she got up from the bed quickly.

"No wait, Longclaw! It's not what you think. Sonic was right, he's always been right. Knuckles is not like the others! He brought the emerald to save you!"

"Why did he do such a thing?" She frowned.

"He knows how much Sonic cares about you... speaking of Sonic, he needs us!"

"What's happened?!" She asked.

"He's been kidnapped.. by the echidna tribe." I replied.

"WHAT?!" She questioned as her eyes widened. "I want answers from him, Tails!" She added as she made her way past me.

"Longclaw! No, wait!" I said as I ran after her.


I heard a lot of yelling coming from the Longclaw's bedroom.. I really didn't expect her to yell so soon.

I then hear loud footsteps coming closer to the living room and I swallow the lump in my throat. You know.. I still have the time to run..
but I gotta remember I'm doing this for Sonic.

Yet, I don't want to deal with her bitching.

"YOU! I WANT ANSWERS FROM YOU, WHERE IS MY SON?" I heard her yell behind me, stepping foot in the living room.

"My father has him." I answered in a calm tone, she may be furious but if I return the anger as well it won't get us anywhere.. and not to mention that Tails is here.

"What intention does he have with him?!" She asked.

"Probably an exchange, the emerald for Sonic. If I don't hand it over.. he will die."


"We can't just hand it over! Who knows what they will do to the rest of the owls.. to Longclaw." Tails added.

"It's okay, Tails.." Longclaw replied.

"I don't want to do it either, alright! But I'm willing to give up everything.. for Sonic. I- I love him." I said as I lowered my head. Longclaw doesn't say anything but opens her mouth in shock and Tails seemed not surprised, it seemed as if he already knew.

"And I- am willing to sacrifice my life for Sonic." Longclaw said. "I'm sure the other owls would agree as well."

"BUT, my tribe will not go down without a fight! He either hands over him without any injuries and we keep the emerald in our safe hands, then we won't have an issue. No one will die tonight." Longclaw stated.

"It won't be easy, but I'm definitely in." I agreed.

"Then let's go." Tails added.


"Well, looks like my son won't be here to witness your death.. I knew all along, he only cared about the emerald and never you."  Locke chuckled as he made his way towards me.

"He would never." I replied.

"You keep telling yourself that, boy! Because I can't wait to see the look on your face when he never shows up."

"And I can't wait to see the look on your face when he does show up and rescues me." I smirked.

"That's not happening." He growled. "But here, take a look on this, this box you see here carries something very, very dangerous. Could be the best thing my tribe has ever created."

"What do you plan on doing with that?!" I asked.

"Oh.. terrible things." He said as he grinned. "You see, no one has ever infuriated me more than your mother figure.. now you came along and now.. I'm all full of anger. Trust me, I've been plenty mad but you made it so much worse for me."

"You choose not to accept what you're doing is wrong. Even your son has more common sense than you ever will!" I shouted.

"Don't you dare insult me boy. You're just a damn pebble who has no right to say nor do anything against me!" He yelled.

"You choose to underestimate me and that's fine." I answered.

"Shut it. We're done here." He said as he began to walk away and I scoffed as a response.

A few minutes later after Locke left, I heard
noises coming from the bushes that are a few feet away from me.

Who's there?" I asked.  A figure then appeared out of them.


"Shhh.. keep it down." He whispered.

"I knew you'd come back!" I exclaimed.

"Of course I did, I love you." He smiled. "Now let's go you out of these ropes shall we."

"Where's the emerald?!"

"It's with Longclaw, she's keeping it protected."  I said as I untied the ropes wrapped around him.

"And done!" He exclaimed.

"Great, now let's get out of here!"

"Aww.. but you guys just began the fun."

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