To where it all began ~ extra chapter pt.2!

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"Sonic you awake?" I whispered.

"You know I have trouble sleeping, Knuckles.. but it's nothing too serious I can promise you that."

"Well that's good to hear!" I answered.

"Why's that?" He smirked.

"Because...I'm going to take you somewhere! Did you really think that the dinner Maddie prepared for us was it? Of course not! Now let's go!" I said as I got off the bed.

"You know we can't do that, Tom and Maddie will catch us."

"No they won't, because I have this." I said, pulling out a teleportation gun.

"Hey that's..."

"Tails' teleportation gun. I asked if he can make one specifically for this occasion." I replied.

"You were planning this all along, weren't you?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Now close your eyes!"

Sonic rolled his eyes playfully but agreed to listen and he closed them. I grabbed his hand and loaded the teleportation gun, not caring where the portal will open from. A portal opened once I shot a beam out in front of us.

"Should I be worried?" Sonic asked, slightly peeking.

"No... and close your eyes!!"

We both stepped into the portal, with the help of leading Sonic in by grabbing him by the hand.

The portal closed behind us, and then Sonic opened his eyes. I look behind me to see him with a frown.


"I thought I told you I didn't want to be back here.."

Knuckles let out a deep breath as a response.

"I know..." He answered.

"So why?" I asked as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Look Sonic, I didn't bring us here as a way for us to remember what happened here, Alright? I sighed. "I brought us here because this is the place where we met.. where we fell in love."

"If it really bothers you, then we can go." He added.

"No.. you're right. I shouldn't think about what happened." I said, placing a hand on my neck. Knuckles smiled at my words.

"I know why you brought me here."

"Do you now?"

"Yes, and you know what.. I'll race you there." I said, giving him a smirk. "Ready, set, go!"

"Hey! You cheater!"

"Not my fault you're too slow!" I yelled.

"Knuckles, you seem to have a little trouble beating me?"

"I don't have your speed!" Knuckles shouted.

"And you're lucky I'm not even using my full speed! If I were to, time would be going slow." I replied.

"Showoff.." He groaned.

Once we were a few feet away, I quickly slowed down and Knuckles quickly zoomed past me.

"You did that on purpose now!" Knuckles yelled.

"I didn't do anything." I said as I crossed my arms.

"You slowed down so that I would win."

"I wonder why i did that? Oh right, maybe because you get so MOODY when I win at something."

"Do not." Knuckles gritted his teeth.

"Wow.. this place hasn't changed a bit-" I said, admiring the garden like I once did. Knuckles joined in also.

"I can never forget the moments we've had here Knux.."

Knuckles doesn't say anything but only wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"We had our first meeting here, and-"

"Our first kiss." I interrupted.

I walked to the hydrangea bushes, admiring of how well they bloomed.

"It's never enough to give you more hydrangeas right Knux?"

No answer.

"Knuckles?" I repeated.

I turned around to see him standing on one knee and my eyes immediately widened.

"I remember when you were down on one knee to me once.. Sonic the hedgehog. You told me all these wonderful things, and now.. I'm ready to tell my own." Knuckles stated.

I stood there, completely speechless and the memories of me bending down on one knee come flooding back to me.

"Sonic, as kids I fell like I started falling in love with you, I had this feeling in my chest.. of course, since I was kid I couldn't define what the feeling was. Now, I know. I know that you're the man I want to marry and who I'd love to spend the rest of my life with. We're competitive, loving, and caring towards one another. I ask that we stick together.. no matter what comes in the way." Knuckles then pulls out a fancy box and reveals what's inside it.

An emerald ring.

"Sonic the Hedgehog.. marry me."

I smiled with joy, and joined him on one knee, like he once did.

"Of course I will, Knuckles the Echidna."

With that bright smile of his, he quickly put the ring on my finger and pulled me into a kiss.

"I've really fallen madly in love with you." I said as I parted my lips from his.

"Trust me when I say I could say the same thing." He replied and I chuckled as a response.

"Let's go home before Maddie and Tom see that we're gone." I said as I rubbed my neck.

"They'll kill us if they were to find out about our disappearance." He answered.

Knuckles quickly pulls out the portal gun and shoots out a beam in front of us, a portal begins to open. I look back one last time at the beautiful garden and I frown.

"This won't be the last time we'll be back here." Knuckles said, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. I smile, and then we step in the portal, we then see that we've appeared back into our room.

The portal closes behind us and the lights quickly snap on. Me and Knuckles turn around quickly at the light switch to see who could've possibly turned it on.

We see none other than Tom and Maddie standing at our bedroom doorway with their arms crossed.

"Where have you two been?!"


Annnnddd, that's it! Again, hope you guys enjoyed this story :) thank you very much for the support and love you guys give on this story, I really appreciate it!💜 I love you all very, very much. Be good people and take care!! 🫶

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