First encounter.

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I spot a red figure in the slight distance.

I gasped in delight. Finally! I could meet a friend! I'm sure they're nice. Not to mention I kind of need directions..

I start running towards them.

Now getting a bit closer to them, they don't look like a hedgehog.. I actually don't know what animal they are.. ah whatever.

"Hello!" I yelled, waving a hand.

The red animal jumps back in surprise.

"Can you give me directions, im lost and I-" without being able to finish my sentence the red figure pulls out a crafted spear from his back and points it at me.

"Who are you?!" He asked harshly.

"Woah woah.. I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to ask for help" I said, frightened, but also putting my hands up.

He squints his eyes but slowly puts his spear down.


My father told me to watch specifically for owls. But this boy doesn't look like an owl.. he's a hedgehog, and he seems completely harmless. Besides.. he's kind of adorable.

"Sorry about that.." I said, putting my crafted spear on my back.

"It's alright. You were probably frightened." He said with a smile.

"I wasn't frightened! You just caught me off guard!" I yelled in response.

He lets out an awkwardly laugh.

"So.." I said, looking back at the garden.

"What exactly do you need help with?"

"Oh right! I was looking for a sunflower garden, and got completely lost! Do you happen to know where it could be?" He asked, still smiling.

"A sunflower garden?! Oh yeah, that's a long way from here, you definitely took a wrong turn." I said, pulling a hydrangea from the garden.

He doesn't say anything but just watches me, and I feel a slight blush come across my face.

"What?" I asked while raising a brow.

"Are those your favorite flowers?" He asked.

"Why yes they are.." I replied.

"They sure are beautiful.." He said, now looking at the garden.

I take a glance at him. What's the feeling in my chest?! Why am I feeling like this?!  Is it normal?!

What's even worse, without thinking, I hand him the hydrangea that was in my hand.

He stares blankly at the hydrangea, but hesitantly takes it.

"Thank you!" He exclaimed.

I nodded.

Im still questioning to myself, what is this feeling that I'm feeling at the moment?..

I turn to him, he's also facing me. Staring into eachother's eyes and never looking away, not even once.

"You know.. I never got your name." I asked.

"Oh.. it's Son-"



I hear a name and my own being called from afar.

I turn behind me to see my father and I feel a quite shock wash over me.


I look behind the red figure to see another that looks just like him running towards him.
And I turn to see Longclaw flying towards me.

Uh oh... how long was I gone for?!

Longclaw lands on the ground and brings me closer to her, and the much bigger red figure pulled my new friend closer to him.

"Well Longclaw, long time no see, today sure is your lucky day isn't it? I didn't bring my tribe along, or else you would've been dead." The big red figure said.

"Ha! I could say the same thing." Longclaw replied.

The big red figure takes a look at me and raises a brow.

"Is that a hedgehog?"

She doesn't say anything, but pulls me even closer, at this point, her entire wing is covering me. I only see a little bit of what going on in a small gap in between her wings.

"You stay the hell away from him Locke!"

"Relax Longclaw, I have no intention on hurting the kid."

"I'll let my son do it though. They seem like the exact age anyways" Locke said.

"Oh how far down you've gone Locke.. training your own child to defeat the owls?! A child?!" She yelled.

"He's only six! And you don't tell me how to raise my son! And besides, don't tell me you aren't training your son to defeat the echidna tribe?" He asked.

"Of course not! I don't care how old he is, this is not his fight, it's mine. I'm not bringing him in this!"  She yelled again.

"Such a foolish move.." Locke sighed.

"At least my son stands a chance against your own."

"I also have no intention on hurting your son Locke, but you keep your son away from mine and we won't have issues." She stated.

"A little too late for that don't you think?!"

"If I can't find the master emerald then my son will! He'll end you and the rest of the owl tribe! It's what my Knuckles was born to do."

"Think whatever pleases you Locke. My Sonic is staying out of this." She said and she starts grabbing me by her talons and flies away.

Away from my new friend... someone who I'll never see again.

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