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"Let go of me, Tails!" I demanded.

Now arriving back at home, Tails dropped me when we got to the door step.

"You do know that I can just run back to him right?!" I said.

"Do you realize what you could've gotten yourself into?!" He yelled.

"No. And besides-"

"What if that was a trap Sonic?! What if he was waiting for you to come to him?!"

"You don't understand Tails, he wasn't willing to kill me... anymore." I said, while lowering my head and twiddling with my fingers.

"What?!" He yelled in response.

"Look! The real question is, why did you tase him?!"'

"Because I thought he was going to hurt you."

I rub my eyes in frustration, turning my back towards Tails.

"He thinks everything I said was a lie.." I whispered.

"What..?" Was all he said.

"HE THINKS EVERYTHING I SAID WAS A LIE!" I repeated. Tails jumped back in surprise.

"Even if I were to run back.. I don't think he'd still be there." I said, my back facing Tails once again.

"You're risking your life.. just to see him.. why?" He asked.

"I- I don't know.." I sighed.

"Pft! How are you still not getting it Sonic?! Don't you see that you like him?!" He yelled, grabbing my shoulder to face him.

"Wha-" I said, tilting my head.

What did he mean by that? Well yeah I like him, I liked him since the first day we met, how can I not? But is the same 'like' as Tails is thinking or..?

"Well yeah, I do like him! So what?!" I scoffed.

"Like, Like like him?!" He asked.

"What do you even mean by that?!"

"I don't mean 'like' as a friend! I mean a partner! Relationship wise!"

In realization, I stare blankly at Tails. Then I speak..

"So this feeling.. everytime I think of him.. is because I like him?"

He didn't say anything but awkwardly nodded.

I cupped my own face and smiled widely.

"So he likes me back?.."

"Huh?!" Tails yelled.

"I told Knuckles how I felt whenever I thought of him and he told me he felt the same!.. maybe he just doesn't know what it is either." I said with a smile.

"Oh my goodness.. if Longclaw finds out she'll-"

"No! Tails, you cannot tell Longclaw! She'll absolutely murder me! Well not really... but you know what I mean!.."

"I- I.."

"Please!.." I begged.

"Fine.." he sighed in response.

So.. I like Knuckles.. and not in a friendly way. I can't believe I used to actually think that. It all makes sense.

But if he still thinks I lied to him..

I still hear his voice in my head calling me a "deceiver".

Tails pulls me out of hard thinking by placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but.. you should try and convince Knuckles that you didn't lie to him, it's the least you can do.. you know, to not make him want to kill you for real this time." He said with an nervous laugh.

"Really?!" I exclaimed.

He nodded with a smile.

I pull into a tight hug.

"Thank you.."

"Now that we've discussed your crush, we should definitely go to the basement now before Longclaw returns." He said, making him way there and I followed.

"Heh.. yeah."


That damn hedgehog.. the moment I reconsider on NOT killing him.. he tricks me!

Ugh.. I feel like a fool.

I make my way back to my tribe, my body still tensed up from the massive tase I received.

I then remembered when he placed his hand on my cheek.

I felt like nothing was no longer bothering me or stressing me out. As if the world was black and white and we were the only color.

It doesn't matter, everything he said was a lie. It was a trap which caused that fox to tase me!

But somewhere deep down is telling me..

That he wasn't lying.

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