Years passing by.

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10 years later~

The sky is blue. The sun is bright. The grass is green. What a great view of my home from this cliff.

Im on a cliff with Longclaw once again. 10 years have passed and not much has changed. Sadly..

Longclaw still tries to keep us hidden. We've been not out of our tree-like home often as much as we used to ever since the incident that happened 10 years ago..


Longclaw and I return back to our home completely un injured thankfully.

Longclaw turns her back to me, and I know for a fact she's disappointed.

"Why did you leave Sonic..?" She asked.

"Longclaw, I'm sorry! Let me explain! Since you were unwell, I wanted to give you your fav-"

"You had one order.. and the ONLY order I give you, Sonic!" She said, cutting me off.

I sighed.

"I'm sorry.. I really am.. I just wanted to give you your favorite flower since you were ill.. I wanted to make you feel better, I promise you.." I said softly.

She turns to face me now. She now has a concerned look.

"Sonic, the only thing I want you to do is to stay hidden.. to be by my side!.. that's all I ask for."

To prevent this conversation from getting longer and deeper, I don't say anything. I go up to her and give her a big hug.. that's all I can do.

Hiding from the world is all I can ever do to make her feel better.


Ever since that day, I haven't been sneaking out like I used to. I wouldn't want to disappoint her anymore.

So now, I just don't ever leave her side.. it's what's for the best.

But every now and then I think about that red figure. I don't remember his face.. it's blurry to me, his voice, it sounds so static to me, the memories of that day still sticks to me. But why?! And why can't I remember his name?! I know I've heard it!

Gathering my thoughts, I grab my head in my hands without Longclaw noticing.

Think Sonic think! What was his name?! How did he look like..?! Remember his voice!

"Whats wrong Sonic?!" Longclaw yells, running over to me.

"Oh, yeah I'm fi-"

"Are you having a migraine?!" She said putting a wing on my cheek.

I sigh in response.

"I'm fine." I said with a smile.

"Oh thank goodness" she said, returning the smile.

She pulls me into a hug and I hug her in return.

"I love you, Sonic."

"I love you too, Longclaw."

And with that, we hear a noise behind us.
Me and Longclaw quickly turn to see something making noise in the bushes.

"Sonic, get behind me." She said, gently pushing me behind her. I tilt my head in confusion.

"Come out! Whoever you are!" She yelled.

We see a small figure come out from the bushes.

A figure like fox of some kind.

"Oh Tails! You scared us!" Longclaw said in relief.

"Um.. Longclaw.. who's this?" I asked coming from behind her.

"Sonic, this is the ultimate spy! Miles 'tails' prower! Of course, I just call him by tails, it's what he prefers."

Tails with a smile, nods.

"Wow! You have two tails! That's so cool!" I yelled, zooming behind him to get a better look at his two tails.

He quickly turns to face me and tries to hide his tails with his hands, though that won't work since his hands are tiny.

"What's wrong?" I asked with a frown.

He doesn't say anything.

"Sonic.. Tails is insecure about his two tails.. which is why I choose to never talk about them." She stated.

"Well that's what you choose to do, I don't."

I face Tails once again.

"You shouldn't be insecure about your awesome tails! I like them!" I exclaimed.

"Really..?" He asked, slightly smiling.

I nod.

"You know.. I'm pretty sure you two are going to be great friends!" Longclaw said.

"Wow, I get to have a friend now?!" I yell, sarcastically.

Longclaw rolls her eyes, but smiles.

"Why don't you come over to the house Tails! You must be tired from your journey." She said, motioning Sonic and Tails to come and follow her.

"Hey Tails, why don't you show Sonic what you can do!" She said, raising her wings and ready to fly.

"Wait Longclaw! Aren't you forgetting someth-" I get cut off as I feel Tails grabbing my wrist gently.

"I gotchu!" He says with a bright smile!

I raise a brow in confusion and I feel myself slowly getting off the ground.

"Woah wha!-" I quickly look at Tails and see that his tails are spinning as if it were some kind of helicopter.

"Woah! We're flying! Uh.. did your butt just turn into a helicopter?!.." I asked.

He lets out a chuckle.

"Haha.. a butt-copter!" He yelled.

I smiled brightly in response.

A start of a great friendship.

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