Sonic vs. Knuckles pt.2

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"I loved you.. I wanted to tell you but, I'm glad I didn't." He said, staring blankly back at me.

"Why would  you say that?" I frowned.

"Because.. it would hurt a lot more if I did."  He whispered. "When your father told me that, it felt like.. how the books I read say it 'being heartbroken'." Tears now started to run down his face.

"So you've just kept it in..this entire time?" I asked, he nods as a response.

"How unhealthy it is to keep such a thing like that inside." I scoffed. "But you know I could su the same thing for myself." I said as I released him from my grasp. I grabbed his face, pulling him closer to my own and I kissed him.


Knuckles grabbed my face and kissed me deeply. I didn't want to kiss him back.. but I couldn't resist it.. I couldn't resist him. So of course, I kissed him back, placing my hands on top of his own. Our lips parted and he opened his mouth to speak.

"Because, I love you. I always have.."

"Really?" I asked, my voice slightly cracking. Trying not to have more tears running down my face, but failed.

"Of course." He smiled as he rubbed the tears from my cheeks.

"I feel foolish, your dad really lied to me.. to keep us apart."

"He did.. but It's okay now, I promise." He smiled once again.

"Knuckles, you can't go home! Your father will keep you locked up again."

"I won't.. but right now, you need to get home so let's go."

"Okay.. just let me get the emerald." I said as I got off the ground and started running towards the emerald.

"Sonic, don't." He sighed.

"I need it!.. Longclaw she's- she's sick. The emerald can help her!" I cried out.

"Then, with the emerald.. she'll be okay."

"Here, you take the emerald, I'll get a ring, it's our only ticket out of here." I said, grabbing a ring from the bag.

"Now, Let's go!" I threw a ring and a portal appeared. Me and Knuckles look at eachother and then we stepped in.


"Tails, hun, what are you doing up so late?" Longclaw softly said as she rubbed her eyes.

"Oh, Longclaw! Aren't you supposed to be resting?!"

"I'm fine dear, really."

"Really? Because last time, your body temperature was warm you nearly almost collapsed!" I cried out.

"That was only once!" She exclaimed.

"I still think you should keep resting.." I mumbled.

"Don't be silly Tails, now where's Sonic? I haven't seen him lately.." she frowned.

"Uh, don't worry! Sonic's be seeing you, but because you've been resting, you could barely tell.." I answered.

"Is Sonic- is Sonic still with him? The echidna?" She softly asked.

"They've had an issue towards eachother.. but Im pretty sure they're going to solve it!" I smiled.

"Relationship issues, huh?"

"Yeah.." I nervously nodded.

"Oh well.. relationships aren't perfect so I understand." She sighed.

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