Taking the risk.

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I return back with my tribe as if I never left. I bet nobody even noticed I separated from them. Hopefully my father didn-

"Son!" I heard my dad from behind.

I let out a loud sigh.

"Yes father?"

"Where were you?!"

Ah shit.

"I- uh.. Well-" I didn't even know how to excuse myself from this.

"Stop with the mumbling! You know how much I hate the mumbling." He remarked.

"I separated from the tribe." I said.

"Why?!" He yelled.

"To find the owls' hideout & the hedgehog!"

"And?! Any sign of them?"

My thoughts go back to Sonic.


He squinted his eyes in complete distrust.

"You better be telling me the truth." He said while walking away.

I rolled my eyes in response.

If only that damn fox hadn't dragged Sonic from me, I would've either punched him in the throat or - or... fuck, I don't know. What the hell did he even mean about 'feeling something' whenever thinking of me anyways? And why did I say 'I do' as well?! Ugh..

Knuckles... what in the actual hell are you doing?

This wasn't even a great hunt! We didn't even find the owls. Pft, we practically wasted our time!

I'm going home.



I wake up and next to me, I see a sleeping Tails.

Did we just sleep in the basement?

Ah.. gross. It's really dusty in here. All this damn dust typically went into my lungs.

"Boys! I'm home." I hear Longclaw from outside the basement.

I let out a happy gasp.

"Tails! Tails wake up!" I said while gently shaking him.

"Mm.. what is it Sonic?"

"Longclaw is back!" I said, getting up and heading towards the basement door. I hear Tails slowly getting up and following me.

"Longclaw! I'm so glad you're back! I exclaimed, hugging her tightly.

"You came back.." Tails said while rubbing his eyes.

"Of course I did."

"What took you so long?" I said with a frown.

"Yeah, you were gone the entire day yesterday.." Tails added.

"I'm so sorry boys, me and the other owls had to take very safety precautions, and we had to discuss many things in order to be protected.." she said.

"But I hope you two stayed in the basement like i said."

Me and Tails nodded.

"Yeah but it was very dusty in there.." I said.

"Oh my .. When was the last time we cleaned the basement Sonic?" She asked.

"No idea." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Ah well.. it's over for now." She said, pulling the both of us into a hug.

"Yeah.." I replied while looking at Tails.

Knowing that I WILL see Knuckles again.


"Alright Tails! I think this is a great moment to explain to him." I said, brushing my quills.

"What?! But Longclaw she-"

"Shhh!!" I interrupted him.

"That's why, you got to be a distraction." I added.

"How do I do that?!" He asked.

"You gotta figure that out." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"You don't even know where he is." He said, rolling his eyes.

"That's why you gotta tell me!" I said.

"No way!" He replied.

"Hey! You're the one that told me to do this! I might as well get it over with!" I whispered.

He slapped his palm on his forehead. He then hands me a gps.

"You'll find it in the menu, it's one of the main locations.. just please, be back quick.. especially since you have that speed!" He whispered.

"Now go!"

And without saying another word, I ran.


Laying on my bed. I think of that blue hedgehog.

I felt like seeing him again was just a dream..

I place my hands over my face.

Who are you hedgehog? And where did you come?

Buried in my thoughts, I hear something hit my window. I quickly get up from my bed to see what it was.

On my way I grabbed my spear and sneaked towards the window.

I break my window with the wooden part of my spear and point my spear at the opening, but to see no one nor nothing.

"The hell?" I questioned to myself.

But see something deep in the woods.

A blue blur.

"No damn way." I said to myself.

I look at my bedroom door.

Ehh.. I don't think my father will step in.

"I'm taking the risk." I said as I jumped out my broken window.

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