Its just a goodbye for now.

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As I feel myself shifting in my sleep, I begin to slightly open my eyes a bit and then notice that Sonic is no longer beside me but.. at the window.

"Sonic..why are you up this late?" I asked.

"I couldn't sleep." He said, his back facing me.

"Why? what's happened?" I frowned.

"A nightmare." He mumbled.

"I see.. you want to talk about it?"

"It was- it was about us separating because .."

"We are on the opposite side." He stated.

"Oh Sonic.. you shouldn't think about that." I slowly started getting off the bed, heading towards Sonic.

"I know.. I'm just in fear, that's why."

"And that's why I'm here. Your worries are my worries, your pain is my pain, your sickness is my sickness. Everything that affects you also affects me." Wrapping my arms around him as I rested my chin upon his head.

"You have no idea.. how thrilled I am that we're together, Knux." He whispered.

"I feel the same way, Sonic. You're like some kind of magnet you know.. I tried pushing you away and that only pulled me closer."

"I knew you couldn't stay away from me." He chuckled.

"Oh, shush." I smiled.

"Now Let's go back to bed, okay?" I said, grabbing him by the shoulders and turning him around.

"I'm sorry that I've made you lose some minutes of your sleep.." he frowned.

"No need to apologize, you know I'll always have time for you." I said as I cupped his cheek and then kissed him on the forehead.

"And I'll- always have time for you." He yawned. He must getting tired again.

"C'mon, you're starting to get tired."

"Yeah.. you're right."

And just like that we headed to bed once again.


"Seriously mom?! Why are you already making wedding plans?" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"I have to be prepared honey, and besides time flies fast, don't you think?" She questioned.

"But we're only teenagers!"

"Well all I know is that I'm not going to be wearing the dress, Knuckles is." Sonic chuckled.

"Sonic, you're not helping!" I whispered.

"Hey, I'm just saying." He shrugged.

"Oh really? Can you swoop me off my feet?!"

"I did it once, I can do it again." He said as he crossed his arms. I made a loud groaning sound as a response.

"I very much agree with you Sonic, my son will look beautiful in a wedding dress.. I can even imagine it." She sniffled, wiping an invisible tear from her cheek.

"Such nonsense.. me- in a dress!"


"Hey Longclaw, what are you up to?"

"Just tidying up the library a bit."

"You sure have a lot of books.." I said, scanning the shelves.

"Well it's good that I have them sorted out by genre!" She exclaimed.

I don't say anything but I noticed some strange paper on a desk and it seemed like that paper, was a map.

"Hey Longclaw, where does this map lead to?"

"Tails, you shouldn't have grabbed that!" She said, quickly snatching the map away from me.

"What is that planet?" I asked.

"It's a planet... where the master emerald is kept." She sighed.

"Woah! Really?!"

"Yes, and the echidnas will never know." She answered.

"Does Sonic know about it?" I asked.

"No! And he can never know about it.. it's for his own good. Besides, he's not allowed in here without my permission." She remarked.

"Oh.." was all I was able to say.

"So that's why, I'll keep it in this book I used to read a lot.. such romance in this book." She said, placing the map in it, now blending with the pages. I nodded in response.

"How do you think is going for Sonic?" I asked.

"I'm sure everything is going well.."she nodded.

"I sure do hope so."


"Do we really have to go now?" I asked.

"Yes Sonic, you know better than anyone that Longclaw will get worried. We'll be back whenever you'd like."  Knuckles said.

"I really enjoyed spending time with your mother, she's absolutely lovely. I don't see why we have to leave.. we literally just got here!" I whined.

"Look Sonic, Not only Longclaw is going to be worried, my father is.. but in a more furious way."

"Fair point." I shrugged.

"Cmon.. let's go let my mother know." He said. I nodded in response.


"Mom!.." I called out, me and Sonic stepping into the house.

"I'm in the kitchen, dear!"

"Mom, I have to get go-"

" I know's your father, isn't it?" she interrupted.

"Yeah.." I said, slowly nodded.

"It's okay honey, I hope to see you.. and your little boyfriend soon. I love you very much."

"I love you too, mom. And don't worry you will me and Sonic again." I chuckled as I hugged her.

"Goodbye Lara!" Sonic exclaimed.

"Goodbye Sonic! You two take good care of eachother okay?"

Me and Sonic happily nodded and went back outside to find Wynmacher. I'm happy to say that I've gotten a liking towards him.

"Wynmacher! You out here?" I yelled out.

"I'm here!" Me and Sonic turned around to see him on the side of the house, chopping some more wood.

"We've come to say goodbye!" I stated.

"So soon? But you guys just got here yesterday." He frowned.

"I know.. but we need to get back. We'll return soon!"

"See ya Wynmacher!" Sonic said as he began to run a few steps in front of me.

"Sonic where are you-"

"I'm going to stretch obviously.. you know how much running I have to do?" He said, rolling his eyes playfully. I only smiled.

Honestly, my smile was so big.. I felt like an idiot. An idiot that's absolutely in love.

"You should tell him."

"Excuse me?" I questioned.

"You should tell him, you love him." He answered.

"Maybe.." I replied.

"Trust me, You're going to regret it if you don't." He said.

"I- suppose you're right.."

"I'll see you when I come back, yeah?" I added.

"Of course." He smiled. I smiled in return and waved goodbye, now catching up with Sonic a few steps ahead.

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's get going."

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