Your name.

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Now Tails and I are standing in front of the house now.

Tails has actually been staying with us for a quite a few days and It's actually been fun having him around.

He told me that before staying with us he's been living & training with the owls, but couldn't talk to anyone since they weren't really his age, actually not his age at all, they were all mature-adult owls.

Who knows if he could stay here for months but he asked the Owls if he could stay for a few weeks and they were fine with it. Longclaw being their trusted companion of all, they trusted her with Tails.

"Tails..can I trust you with something?"

"Of course!" He replied.

I take a deep breath and slowly release.

"Ten years ago... something happened, I met the son of the leader of the echidna tribe and-"

"Woah! Really ?! You met Knuckles?!"

That's his name.. I finally know his name.. after years of thinking hard..

I finally got it.

And without hesitation, I bring Tails into a big hug.

"Tails.. you have no idea how frustrated I've been.. trying to figure out his name. I didn't want to ask you before because I wasn't ready.. I didn't think I was ready at all! But you finally told me. I can't thank you enough!" I said, hugging him even tighter.

After hesitating for so long, he hugs back.

"You've been thinking about him, haven't you?"

I let out a relieved sigh.

"You have no idea.." I said.

"Whatever kind thoughts you might be thinking of Sonic.. you can't." Tails said, pulling away from the hug.

"But why?.."

"He's dangerous.. they're all dangerous!" He yelled.

"I know Knuckles isn't dangerous! He can't be!.." I yelled back.

"You're being delusional.. don't you see that when Knuckles sees you again, he won't be happy to see you, he'll-" he doesn't finish.

"He'll what?.."

He doesn't say anything but turns away.

I put a hand on his shoulder and before I could even say anything, he speaks.

"Sonic.. when you think about him, even if it's all a blur. What do you feel?"

"What.. do I.. feel?" I repeated his question.

He doesn't face me, but he looks at me from the corner of his eye.

"I don't know how to explain it.. I feel something going on in my stomach whenever I try and think of him, it's kind of nice. But not too nice when you can't remember his face clearly." I said, letting out a chuckle.

"Oh god.." he said with a concerned look.

"What?" I asked.

"Sonic.. I think.. you lik-"

"Sonic! Time to come inside! Cmon!" We hear Longclaw from inside.

"Why didn't she call the both of us inside?"

"Longclaw knows I have to return to spy on the echidnas again. I'll be back!"

"Oh? Okay! Be careful!" I said, making my way inside.

"I'm a fox! I'm always careful." He said, waving goodbye.


I was preparing my attack against my crafted opponent. These were ways that I trained over the years while growing up.

Tommorow was going to be the day that we attack the owls and put our hands on the master emerald again.

And the day where I see that hedgehog!... after so many years. Who knows if he'll be where the owls are, but if he's not I'll search for him.

I do not care how long it takes!

Damn it, Knuckles! Remember his name, I know you've heard it!

I grab my head in my hands, I even start to begin to pull on my dreadlocks in frustration.


You've heard it! You heard your name and another name being called out! What was it?!

Suddenly, the memories of us was starting to slowly flood back into my mind.

And then a name finally popped up into my mind.



I hear his name being called out in a nearby window.

I jumped back in shock.

He remembered his name.. and not only that, the echidna tribe is going to attack tommorow night! Knuckles will stop at nothing until he kills Sonic..

Because he hasn't stopped thinking of him either huh?..

It can't be what I think it is, can it?

Can it be possible that they like eachother?

Even though they're on the opposite side.

On the opposite side~ movie sonknux! Where stories live. Discover now