To where it all began ~ Extra chapter pt. 1!

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It's been a year since Sonic and I have been in a relationship together, and I wanted to do something special for him.

Ever since Longclaw had passed away, Sonic always tries to be happy because he knows that's what she would've wanted. 

As for me, I didn't know what to feel over my father's death. What he's done to Longclaw and  Sonic, has made it so complicated for me on what to feel. I'm not miserable, I can say that... but still-

I don't know how to feel over his death..


"He's gone.. he's dead, they're all dead?"

"Yes.." I replied.

"Oh my goodness, Knuckles I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, mother." I sighed. "Like always, my father never thinks. He thought about vengeance and instead of bringing one person down, he brought everyone down.."

"Things happen for a reason dear, no matter what happens, you face it with positive mental attitude, okay?"

I smiled softly and nodded.

"Take care of Sonic, he needs you more than ever."

"I will."


When I told Sonic I was always going to be by his side, I meant it.

And that's not going to change.

"Hey Knuckles, do you know where Sonic might've gone?" Maddie asked.

"Not sure, pretty sure he went on his morning run. Though, he usually tells us." I replied.

"I know, which is why I'm concerned."

"I'm sure he is fine, Maddie." I said as I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Hey.. while we wait for Sonic to return, do you want to join me to grocery store? We can buy more grapes!" Maddie exclaimed.

"Yeah! I mean, how can I say no to that?"


I hope Knuckles doesn't suspect where I'm going. I know I could've made up an excuse or Something but I was in a hurry. I'm pretty sure he knows that I went on my "morning run."

"Aha! Found you!" I said to myself as I spotted the garden ahead of me. I'm so glad that Hydrangeas are here in Seattle... I wouldn't want to go.. there.

I picked a bunch of hydrangeas from the bushes and created it into a bouquet.

"Knux will love it! Hydrangeas match with his eyes so well."

Now that I think about it, I should probably get a red rose for Maddie, she deserves one for taking good care of me, Knuckles, and Tails! I'm sure she'll love it!


"Hey Maddie, so.. it's me and Sonic's one year anniversary and I was wondering what I could give him.. I'm getting kind of stressed out about it. "

"Oh hun, that's not something to get stressed out about, I can help you! How does that sound?" She smiled.

"It sounds like a great idea."

"Now you got to give him something that has meaning to it, it could be anything actually, like a kiss, a hug, maybe even bo-"

"That sounds too simple.. well, the kiss and hug part. I definitely agree with something that has meaning to it though." I said, placing a hand on my chin. "But what can I give him?"

"What reminds you of him?"

"The master emerald, because of his eyes.."

"Oh yeah, his eyes are the color of the emerald!" She said. "Hey! How about we go and buy a carat emerald ring! Didn't you say you wanted to marry him?"

"Maddie!! We don't need to talk about that.." I cried out as I put a hand on my forehead in embarrassment.

"Besides, we're still young to do that." I added.

"I know, I know." She giggled.

"But you know, I like the sound of that, getting him an emerald ring sounds perfect."


"Maddie, Tom, Tails, Knuckles, I'm home!!" I yelled as I shut the front door behind me.

"Hey, kiddo! Where have you been?" Tom said as he came out of the kitchen.

"I picked these for Knuckles and these for Maddie."

"That's nice of you."

"Do you know where they've gone?" I asked.

"They went grocery shopping, I'm sure they'll be back in a bit." Tom replied with a smile.

"Alright, I'll be upstairs with Tails." I said, making my way upstairs.

"Hey Tails!" I exclaimed as I entered his room.

"Hey Sonic!"

I smile and walked towards him, sat on the ground beside him while he worked on his gadgets.

"How are the gadgets coming along?" I said, trying to make up a conversation to make it seem not so awkward.

"They're coming along great! For my teleportation gun, it came out splendid!" Tails cried out in joy.

"A teleportation gun? What do you need that for?"

"Uh.. no reason. How are you and Knuckles?" He asked.

"Things are great between us! Today marks our one year anniversary!"

"That's great, Sonic!" Tails smiled. I returned the smile, but then it slowly started to fade..

...because I thought of her.

I sigh in response as I leaned onto Tails' shoulder.

"I miss her." I finally said.

"We all do Sonic, but that's life for us." "You know she'd be very proud of you right?" He added and I responded with a nod.

"I know, I know.." I sighed.  "I know she'd want me to keep going, with a smile on my face.

"Of course she would." He replied.

"I'm really glad you're here Tails."

"I'm glad I'm here too, Sonic."

"Sonic, Tails, Tom, we're home!" Maddie yelled from downstairs.

"Knux! Maddie!" I exclaimed as I quickly sprinted out of Tails' room and down the stairs.

"KNUX!" I shouted with absolute joy in my voice.

"Hey Son-" I interrupted by jumping on him, causing us to collapse onto the ground.

"...Hello to you too." Knuckles said, letting out a groan.

"Oh goodness, two alright?" Maddie frowned.

"Of course we are! Nothing we can't possibly handle." I smiled at her.

"Anyways, I got something for the both of you." I said as I got off of Knuckles and went to grab the bouquet of roses and hydrangeas off the table.

"These are for you!" I said, handing the bouquet to her. "And these.. are for you Knux!" I said, popping the hydrangea bouquet out in front of him.

"Hey.. my favorite!"

"Happy anniversary!" I said as I cupped his face with one hand and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Happy anniversary to us." Knuckles repeated with a smile.

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