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I slowly start to get on one knee to Sonic's level since he was still on the ground.

"Sonic.. I'm sorry- I'm so sorry. I'm supposed to trust you but instead I accused you of tricking me again.." I softly said. He doesn't say anything in response but only smiled. He then sits up on his knees and pulls me into a hug and without hesitation I hug back in return.

"Uh.. I hate to intrude- but we gotta get going Sonic." The fox said behind us.

Me and Sonic release from the hug and just gaze into eachother's eyes like all the other times.

"I don't wanna go.. but I can't stay." Sonic whispered.

"I know.. I know." I answered.

Me and Sonic then get up from the ground and start going..

Going back to the way our lives used to be... but except the difference this time is that-

Me and Sonic are in a relationship.


When we were near our homes, me and Knuckles thought it was time to say goodbye.

"This isn't goodbye Knux, it's just a goodbye until next time!" I smiled brightly. He smiled as well while nodding as a response.

As I start to walk away, Knuckles grabs me by the arm and pulls me into a deep kiss.

"Ah!- do you guys really have to do that in front of me!?" Tails yelled.

Me and Knuckles slowly parted and turn to see Tails covering his eyes.

"Poor little guy, we scared him." Knuckles chuckled.

"Tails, buddy, you can open your eyes now." I said, crossing my arms.

"Thank goodness..I didn't need to see that you know!" He said, rolling his eyes.

"Geez.. sorry." I said sarcastically.

"Yeah, yeah now let's go." Tails said as he started walking.

"You should get going... I'll see you, Sonic." He said as he was rubbing his neck.

"Yeah, see ya Knux!" I said, blowing a kiss to him and then completely dashing away from him out a embarrassment.

"Hey wait for me!" I heard Tails yell in the distance.

As Tails and I arrive home, I hesitate to turn the knob and step Inside. I really- really.. don't want to step inside.

"She's home, isn't she?" I asked, taking a glance at Tails. He slowly nodded.

I take a deep breath and slowly let it out and start to slowly turn the knob.

I then slowly start opening the door, ready to face this horrible consequence I'm about to receive.

I open the door to see no one in the living room, so I'm guessing Longclaw is in her room.

Once I start to take a step inside, I hear footsteps rushing towards the living room and then I see her.

I see Longclaw.


As I start to make my way home, I start to think. Think about Sonic obviously.

A thought never came across my mind to think that I would actually like him romantically.

I laughed to myself while thinking about it.

I then arrive at the front of my home.. I think the fox is wrong, my father was definitely not 'worried sick for me', he's absolutely furious.

When I was about to take one more step inside I hear a voice.

"About time you come home boy! Where have you been?!" I heard my father yell behind me.

"Father I-"

"Do you know that I've been searching for you like a crazy man!?" He interrupted.

"I know that."

"Oh really?! Then why the hell did you leave?! And with that damn hedgehog! And you better not tell me that you weren't with him,Knuckles because I ain't no imbecile!" He yelled.

"You thought he took me as a hostage, didn't you?" I asked.

"Of course not! He wouldn't be able to handle you anyways. You've been training for sixteen years and that hedgehog hasn't been taught to even throw a punch!" He exclaimed.

I twitch at the thought of my father saying that about Sonic. I would scream at him at the top of my lungs at him right now for doing such thing. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't defend him..

"Why were you with him?.." He asked, his tone getting deeper by the minute. He was completely going to explode if I didn't answer him.

And before I get the chance to speak he starts laughing uncontrollably.

"Now I see what's going on!... You were spending time with the hedgehog to see if he knew the location of the master emerald?" He asked.

"Yes! That's exactly it! How'd you know?!"

I did not hesitate at all because  if I did, he would've known right away that I'm lying.

"You were being friendly with him?"

"Well, yes. I had to if I wanted him to believe every part of the act!" I replied.

"I despise that but I'll let it slide just because it's an act against him." He said. I slowly nodded.

"But you should've told me about it son or else I wouldn't have been searching for you!" He added.

"I just- didn't think you'd agree with my idea.." I said, looking down at the ground.

"Did you at least find out anything?!" He asked and I shook my head no. He groaned in frustration.

"I'm sorry father.. but I couldn't keep discussing the conversation of the master emerald.. or else he would get suspicious." I softly said.

"There have been wars nonstop son, but now.. there won't be, as soon as you find out the location of the master emerald." He said, patting my back. I nodded in reply.

Well, now I know I get spend more time with Sonic but ..

At what cost?

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