Run, run, & run.

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Hello everyone! Before you start the chapter, I wanted to address my absence (even if I've only been gone for a week lol) School has started for me and when I get back I'm already tired as it is. No, I won't stop the story, firstly because the  story is almost finished and second, because I loved writing this story! I've enjoyed it very much and I'm glad that you guys enjoy reading it too! Sadly, I just won't be able to update as frequently as I used to. I hope you guys understand. :)

Now unless I finish the story this weekend then that's a different story but if it isn't, it'll probably be finished next weekend.

Now on with this chapter!


The moment I heard my father's voice, I quickly stood in front of Sonic.

"Glad you could join us." He stated.

"Can't you just end this?!" I yelled.

"Until he and Longclaw are dead, I will not." He said as he pointed at me.

"You will not hurt him nor Longclaw, I won't let you." I glared at him.

"Never in my life, would I ever thought you would say such a thing and Longclaw being my sworn enemy.. doesn't matter to you at all." He scoffed.

"No! I judged her before even getting to know her, and that's a mistake I'm never going to make again!" 

"Now that is a foolish mistake." I rolled my eyes at my father's response, I turned towards Sonic, and I placed my hands on his cheeks.

"I won't let him hurt you, it's me and you Sonic, it always has been." I softly said and then I kissed him. I heard my father making gagging noises but me and Sonic did not care at all.

"That's enough!" My father shouted. "You will not show that horrible image in front of me ever again, it's disgusting!"

"Sonic, when I tell you to run, we run." I said.

"But he'll come after us!"

"Trust me, he won't." I replied.

"TAILS, NOW!" I shouted.

"On it!" Tails said as he jumped out of the bush and quickly tased my father. I didn't care though, since he deserves it.

Longclaw quickly appears from the bush as well and charges at him, tackling him onto the ground.

"Sonic, run!" I yelled as I grabbed Sonic's hand and we ran. I turn behind us to see if Tails also joined us and he has.

"It looks like more echidnas are following us! It's okay, I got this!" Tails mentioned.

"Tails, no!" Sonic shouted.

"I got this, trust me! Here, take the emerald." Tails said as he handed me the emerald.

Me and Sonic switched glances, we looked backed at Tails once more and nodded.

"He's a tough kid, he'll distract them while we run."

"Wait! Before you guys go, also take this! It's a device that'll let me know where you guys are." Tails yelled as he threw the device towards us. I immediately caught it and took Sonic's hand as we continued running some more.


"I see Tails as my brother, Knuckles! If something were to happen to him.. I don't know what I'd do.." I panted.

"He'll be fine Sonic, you got to believe in him." Knuckles replied. "Wait, let's stop here. We don't want to be too far away from Tails."

"You're right.. " I said as I grabbed the emerald from Knuckles.

"You know Sonic, I talked to Longclaw.. she seems not so bad." Knuckles panted as he leaned his back against a tree.

"You finally spoke to her?!" I asked.

"I had to.. in order to save you. I would do anything for you." He replied. Before I can even say anything, Knuckles quickly gets his mouth with a cloth in hand and he immediately loses consciousness.

"Knuckles!" I shouted.

"Hand the emerald over kid, we don't want to hurt you.. we can just tell Locke we never even saw you, he won't care about killing you anymore if he has the emerald!" An echidna warrior yelled. There was two of them, one holding Knuckles in their grasp and another one telling me to hand over the emerald.

I started taking a few steps back, my eyes slowly widening while looking at Knuckles' unconscious body ahead of me.

I don't know what to do.


"Hey Sonic?"

"Yeah?" I answered.

"If something dangerous ever happens to me, and you have a chance to run.. I want you to run."

"What?! No I can't do t-"

"Can you just do it! Please.." he softly said.

"I can't just leave you.." I frowned.

"Sonic, as long as we're together.. nothing can happen to us. We'll find eachother no matter what, okay?" He smiled.

"You promise?" He added.

"Fine.. fine. I promise.." I sighed.


I look at Knuckles' unconscious body once more and I let out a sigh. He would want me to do this..wouldn't he? I don't like the idea but I must.. after all-

I promised.. that I'd run.

So I'm gonna run.

"If you want this emerald, you're going to have to catch me." I smirked. Before the two get a chance to say or do anything, I sprint away from them.

"Wait!" I yelled as I stopped in my steps. "The device! Knuckles has it.. so then that means.. Tails will also get captured!

"Holy sh- sherbert! I gotta find him quick."


I slowly start to open my eyes, my eyelids feeling extremely heavy.

"I literally feel like shit. "

"You're not the only one." A voice said beside me. I quickly turn my neck towards the other figure beside me.


"Hello to you too." he sighed.

"How the hell did you get her- oh.. the device."

"Yeah.. how'd you get in this position anyways?! And where's Sonic?!" He cried out.

"Okay to start off, I'm assuming one of the echidna warriors put a cloth over my nose and mouth and the other question.. I don't have an answer to that." I answered.

"Well this is just great." Tails scoffed.

"You have done it now, young warrior! You betrayed your own kind for the likes of these people."

"Oh now THATS just rude."

"Tails.. can you not." I said as rolled my eyes. "And you, tell me where my father is!" I demanded.

"Because of you, Longclaw and the other owls are attacking!"

"Why, isn't that good to know.." I smirked.

"Where's the hedgehog?"

"Right here."

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