Note of surprise.

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"Why did you leave?..." I repeated.

"I didn't want to.. I promise you, I didn't want to." She said, tears slowly forming her eyes once again.

"Then?! Why?" I asked again.

"Will you let me start from the beginning?" She stated.

I sighed and then nodded.

"Okay.. Knuckles, when I was carrying you.. your father and I were so happy. He always took good care of me.. we loved eachother so much you know.." She sniffled. "And when you were born, your father no longer seemed to be interested in me anymore.. and when I tried carrying you in my arms multiple times!.. your father refused to let it happen. When I talked to him about it he called me a distraction.."


"Im tired of you trying to keep me from my son, Locke!"

"Your son?!" "Are you forgetting that he's OUR son!"

"How dare you say that after trying to keep me away from him!"

"Look Lara! Don't you see that my son has a whole life planned ahead of him?"

"He has a right to choose his own path, Locke!"

"HIS PATH.. Is to get the master emerald back in our hands!.. Can't you see I'm doing this for us?!"

"No Locke! Because after my son was born, you no longer seem to know that I exist! After MY son was born, there was no longer an US!"

"So that's how it's going to be?"

"That's how you made it be!"

"I can't let you be in my son's life Lara.. "

"Why not?!"



"And after that.. your father and I fought the custody of you.. sadly, I ended up losing it.. losing you. He absolutely never wanted to see me again, so he banished me. I was never able to see you again.." she cried.

"I can't believe it.. my father made it seem like you chose to leave!.." I yelled.

"Everything okay in here?.." Sonic said as he and my mother's husband peeked from the kitchen wall.

"Yeah Sonic.. everything is fine." I said, clearing my throat.

After having a pit of rage inside me from my mother's words. After seeing Sonic's face, it made me calm down a bit, it made me smile. I faced my mother again, she was smirking at me.


"You have a soft spot for your little friend there, don't you?"

"What?!" I shouted, my face now beginning to get flustered.

"Im joking son!" She chuckled.

"Okay.." I chuckled nervously.

"But back to what we were talking about.. I'm sorry, Knuckles.. I really am." She softy said.

"No need to be." I said, wrapping my arms around her.

"Everything's alright now.. mom." I said as i hear her sobbing once again.

"Even though we haven't been together for so many years, we have all this time now to recover it!" She said , parting from the hug and taking my hand in her own.

"Wait a moment -" she said as she took a look at the spikey part of my glove.... And seeing the ring. Without hesitation she gasped.

"Knuckles!.. I didn't know you were married!" She exclaimed.

"Wait, I uh!-"

"I'm surprised I've never seen this on you before!


"So who's the lucky girl to have married my son?!" She questioned.

"Wynmacher! Come look at this!" She shouted, still holding onto my hand.

"Wait, mom!- it's not what It-"

Without being able to finish, Sonic and.. Wynmacher.. if I heard correctly, rush into the living room.

"What is it sweetheart?" He asked. And there, he also took a look at the ring on the spike.

"That sure is a ring! Tell us! Who's the girl?" He asked.

"Uh.. well- the thing is-" I took a look a sonic who'a face was really.. really.. really flustered.

"It's not a girl.. " I softly stated. Both my mother and Wynmacher stood there staring blankly at me.

"It's not?" They both questioned.

"It's not. It's a boy."

After a moment they both stared quickly at Sonic.

"Wait is it him?!" Wynmacher asked.

"You two?!" My mother said, pointing at me and then Sonic. Me and Sonic switched glances and then slowly nodded.

"That is.... SO ADORABLE. My Son and you, Sonic!" She shouted, grabbing me and Sonic, pulling us close.

"Wait, you're not concerned?"

"Why would I be, Knuckles? You're happy? Then I'm happy!" She cried out.

"And besides, you two make an amazing pair." Wynmacher said, giving a thumbs up.

"Thank you mom.. but- me and Sonic aren't actually married. Sonic just gave me this as a token of our liking towards one another."

"Liking?!" They both shouted.

"Why are they now confused of us liking eachother, Knux?" Sonic whispered.

"I have no idea.."

"Oh crap! That reminds me, the food is ready! Sonic sure is a very fast learner. Knuckles, you sure have a great husband, I mean- partner." He said, running to the kitchen.

"Mom, we really aren't married.. really. Sonic gave me this ring as a way to joke around but he did give me some serious vows that I took to heart.." I smiled.

"I'm sure you still appreciate this fictional marriage you two had, right?"

"Oh yes, very much."

"I see the way you look at him dear." She remarked.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't like him Knuckles.."

"You love him."

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