Finale pt. 2

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My eyes felt heavy but I made effort and slowly opened them. Above me, the trees were on fire and I sat up. I slapped a hand over my mouth in complete shock... there were many dead bodies all around the area. I then remembered what had happened..

Locke caused the explosion.

I looked at my arms to see that my fur was back to blue. That explosion must've knocked me out of my super-form but at the same time.. it shielded me from death. I winced in pain as I got up from the ground, placing a hand on my shoulder and started to limp straight ahead. I got to find Longclaw..

But when I did, I couldn't begin to even explain.. the fear I felt in my chest.

"Longclaw!" I shouted as I ran towards her. "No, no, no, no! No!"

I dropped onto my knees beside her and my hands over her cheeks.

"Longclaw.. you're okay! Yeah, everything is going to be okay!" I started to sob as I pulled her into my arms.

"You gotta get wake up, don't you see we have to get home.."

"We a whole new life ahead of us." I added.


"Longclaw! Im glad you're not- it's okay, I'm going to get you home!" I cried out.

"No.. It's too late for me my dear. But you, you have a life ahead of you." She whispered.

"Don't say that! I need you to live.. please.. don't leave me." I said, tears dropping down my cheeks.

"You know that I'll never leave you. I love you, I always have. I saw you as my own son.."

"And I saw you as my mom.."

With the little strength she had, she put a wing on my cheek, wiping a tear off. There wasn't any point to that though.. because I just kept on crying, crying, and crying.

"Sonic.. you, Tails, and even Knuckles are such great kids.. don't let anybody tell you otherwise."

"I love you.. so- much."

She let out her last breath and she shut her eyes.

"No! Longclaw! You're alive.. you're alive. LONGCLAW!"

I was running out of options.. I quickly placed my hands on her chest and started to pound on it.

"You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not-"

I let out a loud cry and I rested my head on her chest.. hearing no heartbeat at all.

After a moment a heard a cough, a few feet away from me. I quickly looked up to see who it was..

And my blood boiled.

I got up from the ground and went up to them..

"You have no idea, what you've just done.." I finally said. Locke was on the ground helplessly, motioning that it's also his time.

"You had to pay.."

"By killing Longclaw!? Not only her, the owls, your tribe?!"

"None of that matters now does it? It's done." Locke answered.

"You damn... bastard! You killed her! She meant a lot to me!" I yelled at him as I slammed my foot onto his chest.

"Now we're even.." he answered, that was his last breath and with that, he shut his eyes.

I have no idea what to tell Knuckles, or Tails. I didn't even know where to begin.. How do I from here?

Without Longclaw?

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