Second encounter.

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I see a familiar blue figure behind me.

And my angered look slowly softens.

It's him.. it's really him..

The color of his fur looking like the pure ocean, the color of his eyes, the same kind of color as the master emerald.

Everything is now coming back into my mind.

"It's you."

"It's me.." he said with that big smile of his.

I smile in return.

But slowly feel my hands form into a fist and my softened look going back to an angered one.

He's corrupting your mind Knuckles, snap out of it!

I quickly charge at him and raise my fist ready to attack but he quickly dodges with some speed that I've never seen.

"What?! What the hell is that kind of speed?!" I asked angrily.

"And what the hell is that kind of strength?!" He questioned as well.

I felt as if he mocked me.

I don't care what kind of speed he has! I will kill him!

"Wait, I just want to talk!" I heard him say.

I didn't listen. I just kept on attacking him. And he kept on dodging.

"Will you fucking stand still!?" I demanded.

"Not until you let me talk!"

I groaned and put my fists down.


"Finally!" He said, slapping his palms together.

"It's been years since we've seen eachother Knuckles.."

My eyes widened in confusion and I no longer wanted to hear him talk. I grabbed him by the throat and slammed him onto the nearest tree.

"Hey what the!?"

"It is my destiny to find the master emerald hedgehog! And I know you're the key to finding it! Now you'll tell me where it is and maybe I'll let you live!" I yelled.

"The master emerald?! Of course! That's what this stupid bullshit is about! You never cared about seeing me these past 10 years haven't you?" He said, struggling to speak.

My grip tightened.

"I wanted to see you because I know you're the key, you fool!" I said harshly.

"Well jokes on you, I have no idea where it is held, so you're wasting your time!" He yelled.

I raise my fist at him.

"Then you're absolute no use to me." I said.

But I hesitate.

I can't do it.. I can't fucking hit him!.. why?! Why am I hesitating?!

I gaze into his eyes, and he gazes in mine.

"Sonic.." Was the only thing I said to him before letting him go.

He falls onto the ground, catching his breath.

I turn my back towards him.

"Why didn't you kill me?" I hear him ask.

"Because- because I can't!.." I replied.

I hear him slowly get up and he walks infront of me. I look down on him.

We're now facing eachother.


Im glad he didn't kill me, but damn.. this is not what I imagined our second encounter would be like.

But I no longer cared. I was just happy to see him.

Even if he tried to kill me just now...

I smiled once again and I placed a hand on his cheek.

He looked at my hand and then back at me.

"Uh.. what are you doing?" He asked in confusion.

"I don't even know... but, I feel something whenever I think of you. I don't know what it is, but it's a great feeling.. do you feel it too?" I asked him softly.

He raised a brow, but looks down on the ground, and again, back at me.

"I do." He said, placing a hand over mine.


I hear a voice behind me and turn around to see Tails.


"Who's this?!" Knuckles asked, removing my hand from his cheek.

"Stay away from him!" Tails said, pulling a taser and pointing it at Knuckles.

"Deceiver!" I hear Knuckles yell from behind me and I quickly turned around.

"No, no, no! It wasn't a trick!"

And before I could say anything else, with a flash of my eyes, I see Knuckles getting hit by Tails' taser.

I let out a loud gasp and turn around to see Tails in the air.

Of course! He flew to get a better hit on Knuckles since I was in the way.

I feel Tails quickly grab me by the arm and started dragging me away.

"Wait no! Knuckles!" I yelled before getting dragged away from him completely.

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