A Golden Forthcoming

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"Eliza..." A green eyed boy trailed after a short blonde girl while pouting, "It's almost been two years. Freya and Sylvain have already had enough spotlight. Isn't it our turn? The Golden Deer's storyline has way more personality."

The blonde girl sighed deeply and turned to face the brunette, "Claude... No amount of pestering me will change what is happening. Believe me, if I could get our story released so you would stop bothering me, I would."

"Me? A pest?" Claude gasped dramatically, "That's unheard of."

"Gees," Eliza chuckled, "You sounded like Lorenz for a second."

Horror flickered in Claude's eyes, "No, anything but that."

Eliza stared at the view from Garreg Mach Monastery, "I think a new dawn is coming soon."

"Claude! Eliza!" Ignatz ran towards them.

"Ignatz," Claude said worriedly, "Is everything okay?"

Ignatz slowed down to catch his breath, "You have to come to the Golden Deer Classroom right away. Freya and Sylvain have some news."

"News you say?" Both Claude and Eliza said perplexed. 

The three of them entered the classroom to find the rest of the Golden Deer and Freya and Sylvain waiting for them.

"What news do you bring?" Claude asked Freya.

"A little birdie told me that you were jealous," Freya smirked at him.

"Rest assured," Sylvain patted Claude's shoulder, "Your waiting will finally be over. Freya just reached out to the author who had finally responded. Turns out, she has your story ready, but hasn't gotten to it."

"Better late than never," Eliza smiled and spoke to Freya, "I'll try not to disappoint."

"Disappoint?" Freya made a face, "I don't think you could. After all, our stories are different. I think it'll be a fun ride."

"Yay..." Madeline's sarcastic voice entered the classroom, "Another story, just what we need. No wonder I'm more ahead in my studies than you."

"Ignore her," Freya laughed, "She's just jealous that it isn't her turn yet."

"Well," Claude addressed the Golden Deer, "My friends, it is time we put a golden spin on the story. Who's with me?!"

The Golden Deer cheered ecstatically as this was calls for celebration. The calendar hanging on the wall in the classroom had a new date marked. The second day of the Blue Sea Moon, our adventure begins.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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