The War's End

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Part 2: Azure Moon

Verdant Rain Moon

Oath of a Dagger

Freya stood over Edelgard's corpse. The bloodstained wound in her heart from Dimitri's lance stained her clothes. Her eyes lifeless and skin pale. Freya promised Dimitri she would take care of the body and at first he was against it. Freya had him relent when she spoke of her father and she needed to grant herself closure.

"Our paths were etched in stone," Freya spoke to Edelgard's body stoic, "A strong adversary you were, though you were the one to fall. I do hope you find peace."

She turned her back and closed her eyes. She let out a shaky breath and a single tear streamed down her face. She unsheathed Silverlight and held it in front of her, "You're avenged, Father. May your soul find the light again, Mara."

She raised her head and put Silverlight back in its sheath and walked out of the throne room. With Edelgard dead, Freya no longer found any reason to stay in Enbarr. Her father and sister's bodies were most likely gone, back to the earth the goddess created them from. There was no use in giving him a proper burial, but Freya knew it was the only right thing to do. She owed her people that much as despite the dark path her family took in this war, they were loved by the villagers in her territory.

Dimitri's coronation was underway and as she stood beside the Blue Lions in the front while Gilbert was doing the declarations on behalf of his late father, King Lambert. It was a joyous event and as Dimitri recited his eternal vows to protect the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus which now stretched across the entire continent, Freya could not help but see how far he has come.

After the ceremony, the Kingdom celebrated with festivals and dancing. Freya remembered the last time she was excited, she drank too much ale. It was a fond memory, but she chose to watch her former classmates relish the newfound peace they fought so dearly for. She bowed her head and took a step back from the action. Her hand went to the hilt of her sword as she wondered what this new era would bring. Just as she was about to leave, a voice stopped her.

"Leaving the celebrations so soon?" Dimitri's voice asked her.

Freya tensed, "Your Majesty!"

She gave a bow of respect, "What are you doing here? The celebrations are still underway."

"And yet you are here alone," Dimitri frowned, "We are old friends, Freya, please tell me what is wrong."

Freya sighed, "It is complicated and I don't wish to trouble you with any more burdens. I am not usually one for celebrations. I am afraid I will have to head back to my own territory or what's of it."

"Still have your shields up I see," Dimitri said to her, "Let that be a concern for tomorrow. You have fought hard. We have fought hard. Now is the time to enjoy this victory. That is an order from your king."

Freya made a face at him, "An order from His Majesty. I guess there is no escaping, is there?"

Dimitri chuckled, "I am afraid not. I would not wish to send the knights for you."

"Of course," Freya responded, "I shall rejoin the festivities in just a moment."

Dimitri gave a curt nod and was about to turn his back when Freya noticed something.

"Is that a ring?"

Dimitri stopped walking and smiled, "It is. Byleth and I are being wed in the upcoming days. With everything that has happened, we wish to wed in these precious moments of time."

"I am most happy for the both of you," Freya smiled, "I hope you both have a prosperous and wonderful marriage."

"Thank you, Freya," Dimitri said, "I do hope you will stay for the ceremony."

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