Battle Plans

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Part 2: Azure Moon

Pegesus Moon

The Valley of Torment

    "It's been too long, Your Highness," Rodrigue said, "But try to temper your joy, will you? This is a war, after all."

    Dimitri replied, "To say such a thing at a time like this. You have not changed one bit."

    Felix's father looked at the Prince, "Don't let looks deceive you. I've had a rough go of it ever since I crossed blades with those traitors in Fhirdiad. When I heard you'd been executed, I rushed there as fast as I could, blind with fury. When I got there, I was fed some garbage about not being able to see your body. The next thing I knew, I was gripping my blade and... Gilbert, you have done to locate His Highness. I am grateful."

    Gilbert nodded.

    "And you," Rodrgiue said looking at Byleth, "I have to thank, as well."

    "As his professor, it was my duty."

    Rodrigue gave a cut nod, "Well, we are all in your debt. I will repay you for this someday, I swear it. And you, Felix... You have also done well to bring His Highness here."

    "Hmph," Felix looked away annoyed.

    "Tell us all you know, Rodrigue," Dimitri said as the two engaged in a conversation.

    "I'm afraid there's not much to tell. You are aware that the western Region was taken by the Empire, correct?"

    "Yes, so I have heard. They are now calling it the Faerghus Dukedom or some nonsense. House Larkern was the only House in the east to join forces with the Empire."

    "House Larkern is reduced to nothing for the Empire," Freya interjected, "My father and sister both turned their backs on Faerghus and paid for it with their lives. As the leader of the fallen house, I am not even going to attempt to rebuild our House's forces as many still follow my father's choice of allegiance. I cannot afford to have spies in my own house, so let it remain in ruin for now. Its territory being given to House Gautier temporarily."

    "The rumours are true, then," Rodrigue said to her, "You're the Grim Reaper who decimated the Larkern House for their betrayal."

    "I see my reputation precedes me," Freya smirked, "Their betrayal cut deep while I was imprisoned. They paid for their crimes and I pay for mine on this bloodstained path."

    Rodrigue looked at her and gave a mute nod before resuming their previous discussion about the Faerghus Dukedom.

    "If you know that much, then the rest won't take long. Enemy or not, it's undeniable that Cornelia's plan was nothing short of genius. After seizing power, she invited the Imperial army to Fhirdiad. There, she reorganized her troops and then sent her soldiers to hunt me down. Because of that, we were forced to act defensively. And now we're being forced into a difficult battle. She's been controlling the situation all along."

    "So that's been the witch's plan from the start. I should have killed her ages ago."

    "Your Highness... Fhirdiad is in a terrible state right now. The tyranny is unbearable, and so the rebellions are endless. Refugees starve to death in the streets. If I may speak freely, Your Highness     ... We should change course for Fhirdiad and take down those traitors before we embark to Enbarr."

    "There's no time for that. We must annihilate Enbarr before all else."

    "Thin this through. I understand wanting to destroy the Empire and the emperor. I want that so much it hurts. But which is more important, the dead or the living?"

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