Battle of the Eagle and Lion Pt. 2

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Part 1: White Clouds

Wyvern Moon

Field of the Eagle and Lion

"Forward, now!" Edelgard commanded.

Her troops surged forward.

"For honour!" Dimitri answered holding his lance out.

Claude raised his arm silent as his forces followed.

Freya advanced running to the centre of the battlefield seeing Bernadetta of the Black Eagles aiming her arrows at the Larkern. She fired the arrow and Freya deflected it with her sword. She swung her sword and landed a light blow to her shoulder. No one was to kill each other of course being this was a mock battle.

"Aw this sucks," Bernadetta said.

Freya laughed and her smile vanished as she was met with Madeleine's blade. Madeleine was taller, but Freya was quicker.

"Prepare to lose," she said pushing Freya back.

Metal clashed and Freya grinned, "Not likely."

She dove around the Black Eagles fighter and successfully disarmed her. Madeleine was mad, but Freya felt victorious. She watched her classmates eliminating the other teams with ease and dodged two arrows. She saw Eliza and Claude standing together.

"Awe," she taunted, "You two are cute."

Eliza blushed and Claude rolled his eyes, "I think it is time you met your match."

He shot an arrow and it went straight up into the sky. Freya looked at him and smiled brightly, "You missed."

"Did I?" He asked and Freya frowned reacting just in time to stop the arrow from above.

She looked at Claude, "Nice try."

"Now Eliza," Claude said and Freya furrowed her eyes in confusion.

Claude had distracted her long enough for Eliza to fire an arrow in her direction. Freya had no time to avoid it. Just before it hit her, a voice cut through the air, "Not so fast."

The arrow was swatted away and Freya turned to her rescuer. She was not surprised to see who it was. Sylvain was on his horse holding a lance in his hand.

"Trying to get yourself killed on the battlefield?" Sylvain asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course not," Freya snorted.

"I'll believe it when I see it," Sylvain laughed and focused on Claude and Eliza.

"You two are cute," Claude mocked using the same words Freya said to him earlier.

Freya rolled her eyes and laughed, "Nice choice of words."

Dimitri came running up to them when Claude spoke.

"Hey, Your Royalness!" Claude offered, "If you promise to let me have the prize. I'll let you take the honour of victory. Do we have a deal?"

"Enough of your foolishness! I- Wait a moment. You are trying to anger me, is that it?"

Claude laughed, "Saw right through me, did you? Well, if there's no deal, I'll just have to win this thing fair and square."

Freya shook her head, "Not if I have anything to say about it."

Dimitri nodded his head, "I will happily face you, here and now. Do not hold back, Claude."

Claude smiled at her and they battled each other. Freya let out a warrior cry and swung her sword against Claude while Sylvain directed his attack towards Eliza. Dimitri followed her attack with one of his own. Both frowned and Claude sighed, "I hate to say it, but it seems we're at a stalemate. Looks like the Golden Deer won't be winning this round..."

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