The Remire Calamity

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Part 1: White Clouds

Red Wolf Moon

The Flame of the Darkness

    "My heart goes out to those poor villagers in Remire Village," Freya said to Byleth, "I wonder what might be plaguing them. It all seems out of the ordinary. What do you think, Professor?"

    Byleth thought and then she spoke, "Something does not seem to add up."

    Freya nodded her head, "I was scared that it was just me."

    Byleth excused herself to attend to other matters and Freya took the opportunity to visit the market. She picked up some seeds and decided to head over to the greenhouse. She started to dig a hole when a voice stopped her.

    "That is not how one plants those types of seed."

    She glanced over her shoulder and saw Dedue standing over her. She let out a huff, "Well, I know how to destroy things rather than take care of them."

    He knelt down beside her and took the seeds from her, "A word of advice?"

    Freya nodded.

    "You have to be delicate. A seed requires a gentle touch. Like so."

    He carefully placed the seed into a hole and covered it. He gestured to it and Freya frowned, "You make it seem so easy."

    He gave her a sympathetic smile, "It took me while to get there."

    Knowing what he was referencing, she turned away, "Dedue... The Tragedy of Duscur... I can't imagine how much your people suffered. I'm so sorry."

    "We can't change the past," Dedue told her, "I let go of my vengeance and push myself to follow what I believe in serving the prince who saved my life."

    Freya shook her head, "It's so hard sometimes. I feel as though I want to leave Garreg Mach and seek retribution from my enemies."

    "Such words remind of His Highness. After being the lone survivor of that awful ordeal, his thirst for revenge is still strong today."

    Freya bowed her head, "Dedue, do you think we are that different?"

    Dedue looked at her, "Everybody has similarities, but no one is the exact same as another. Just be cautious of the paths you choose to follow. Can you promise me something?"

    Freya nodded her head, "Of course."

    "If something ever happens, protect Dimitri for me."

    "Of course," Freya replied, "Nothing will happen to you though."

    "Just in case."

    "You have my word."

    The garden was planted and Dedue smiled at the young fighter, "You got it."

    She smiled, "I do, thank you."

    "Just remember to have a gentle hand."

    Freya nodded her head as she left Dedue to have peace in the greenhouse. She instead headed to the training grounds with Dedue's promise on her mind. If however fell, she vowed to protect Dimitri.

    At the end of the month, she stood at the entrance to Remire Village and was horrified to see the state of the place.

    "Kill! Kill! Ahhhh!" A rampaging villager shouted.

    Freya shuddered absolutely unhinged at the sight of brewing insanity.

    "Help! Somebody, please help!" A little boy pleaded.

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