The New Professor

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Part 1: White Clouds

Harpstring Moon

Familiar Scenery

"Sylvain," Freya Larkern said frustrated as she chased after the red head through the monastery.

Sylvain held a sword out of the brunette's reach and smirked. Freya had been training hard for their final year in the Officers Academy. Such strenuous training would often leave her little time to rest. He had seen her tired face and decided to act out for her own good.

"I need that!" The brunette pouted, "Without it, I won't be able to train."

"You need to rest," Sylvain frowned, "Don't you know when to just lay back and relax?"

Freya made a face. Sylvain had always been one to skip out on training wherever he could. He much preferred to flirt with the girls. He was a heartthrob. Despite this, the two remained close friends growing up in the Kingdom alongside Felix, Dimitri and Ingrid.

"I will rest when it is sufficient for me to do so," Freya falsely promised.

Sylvain shook his head, "Liar. I know you, Frey. If I give you back your sword, you will return to that training room and continue pushing yourself until your body gives out. I refuse to let that happen. If you won't go to rest, I will have to carry you back to my room like last time."

Freya rolled her eyes remembering the moment where Sylvain threw her over his shoulder and had to lock her into his room to make sure she rested. She berated him when she woke up hours later. She continued to argue with Sylvain until she realized Dimitri stood before them.

"Oh, Dimitri," Freya said, "How long were you standing there?"

"Long enough to overhear your lover's quarrel."

Freya rolled her eyes, Dimitri always teased the pair based on how they acted around each other. Freya always turned down his ridiculous ideas. Sylvain had his eyes on every girl that walked by and Freya was too busy training to think about marriage or relationships.

"Anyways," Dimitri said, "Edelgard, Claude and myself are heading out to fight off some bandits so try not to burn down the monastery while I am gone."

Freya made a face laughing at his remark. She was never good at cooking. Last time she attempted to do so, she started a minor fire. The head chef never forgave her and she was stuck on dish duty for a solid month to make up for damages. Her classmates would never let her live that down.

"Do you want us to come with you?" Freya offered hoping she could get away from a concerned Sylvain.

Dimitri shook his head, "No. Unfortunately, Lady Rhea assigned the mission to us and will not allow other students to participate."

Freya sighed in defeat, "Please don't leave me with him."

Dimitri smiled, "You'll be okay. Anyways I got to go. I'll send word when I get back and I can tell you all about it."

Freya watched as the prince left the monastery. She snapped out of her daze when Sylvain spoke.

"We're alone now," Sylvain winked, "Just the two of us."

Freya responded by sending a swift punch to his shoulder. Sylvain scowled before following a fleeing Freya.

"Come on, Frey," Sylvain said, "At least eat with me in the dining hall before you resume training."

Freya rolled her eyes, "If I do, will you stop bothering me?"

"Bothering you?" Syvlain chuckled, "I'd like to think of it more like brightening up your day."

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