Mending Ties

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Part 2: Azure Moon

Blue Sea Moon

The Impregnable Fortress

    "Go away," Freya sulked, lying on her bed.

    The knocking at her door had not relented and she was growing annoyed. It had been three days since Freya left her room minus the rare moments she left for food and drink. Ashe's cut deeper than she let on. Dimitri even agreed with him. Killing your own family was wrong, but it was something Freya had committed. And something that would forever haunt her.

    "It's been three days of shutting yourself away from everyone," Ingrid said, "Everyone needs you."

    "No they don't," Freya said, "They don't need a killer on the team. I slain my own blood. That is a sin that no one can forgive, not even myself."

    The door was kicked open and Freya flinched seeing Ingrid walking over to her.

    "Ingrid," Freya frowned, "Now I need a new door."

    Ingrid rolled her eyes, "Enough sulking around. We're wasting precious training time."

    "You go train," Freya told her, "Leave me here."

    Ingrid shook her head, "No, you're coming with me."

    She dragged a reluctant Freya to the training grounds. Freya caught a training sword as Ingrid got into position. The two females fought until Freya felt all the negative emotions leave her body. She was sweaty and gave Ingrid a smile, "Thanks for breaking me out of my funk."

    "We need you, Freya," Ingrid said, "Ignore what everyone else thinks and focus on what you believe. No one blames you for anything that has happened. That is all in the past and we can only look to the future."

    Freya nodded her head and she turned her head to footsteps.

    "Dimitri," Freya bowed.

    "I could not help but overhear," Dimitri said and Freya avoided his gaze, "I would like to extend my apologies. While killing one's family is not right, your case was different. Please do not let Ashe's words get to you. He feels terrible."

    Freya exhaled deeply, "I'll try. I will not lie and say I am fine. But I can say that I will see to it that those I care about are safe as we traverse into this new future under your leadership."

    Dimitri gave a firm nod and turned his back. Before he left, he spoke, "Perhaps you should speak to Ashe. He's in the marketplace."

    Freya nodded her head thanking him. She left Ingrid and arrived at the marketplace.

    "Ashe," Freya called out.

    The silver haired boy turned around. His green eyes met her brown ones. Ashe ran in front of her and gave her a pleading look.

    "Please forgive me," Ashe said, "It was not my intention to upset you, Freya."

    "Say no more," Freya stopped him, "I am okay. I do not blame you and I agree with you on your moral compass. Let's move on from this, shall we?"

    "We shall," Ashe smiled and he passed a book to Freya.

    "What is this?" Freya asked him confused.

    "I got this for you in the market earlier," Ashe said sheepishly, "I felt bad about what I said and hoped it might have made you feel better."

    "I love it," Freya said, "Thank you. How about we head to the dining hall for a meal?"

    Ashe nodded his head and the pair sat down. The meal today looked tasty being made up of mixed vegetables and pasta. It was very healthy and colourful. As Freya twisted the food around her fork, she greeted the rest of the Blue Lions who came to sit with her.

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