Identity Crisis

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Part 2: Azure Moon

Guardian Moon

The Delusional Prince

"We have two objectives," Seteth said, "To overthrow the Empire and to rescue Rhea. I have no objections to joining forces with you. After all, our interests are aligned."

"Nothing could be more reassuring than securing the cooperation of the Knights of Seiros," Gilbert said gratefully.

"Thank you," Byleth said with gratitude.

"The archbishop entrusted all of her affairs to you. From now on, I shall comply with your wishes," Seteth said.

"We'll make Garreg Mach our base, and prepare to make our stand against the Empire," Gilbert stated, "There is a fair amount of damage, but we will at least have shelter from the wind and rain."

"Surely those Imperial jerks have this place staked out, right? It's a highly strategic location," Catherine said cautiously.

"While it may be a strategic location, it's too far from the front lines to be worthy of notice at the moment. This area is inconvenient as far as transport time is concerned, so it's of little importance to their war effort."

"Even so," Seteth said, "Nothing slips past the emperor. It is safe to assume she at least has this place under surveillance."

"Professor," Gilbert asked Byleth, "What do you think about making this place our base?"

"I have no objections," Byleth said.

"Fortunately, there are still villages and hamlets nearby. And though I wouldn't call them abundant, we have war funds as well," Gilbert said, "What do you think, Your Highness ?"

"Do as you please," Dimitri said, crossing his arms.

"Hey!" Annette said, "Don't act like this doesn't concern you! We finally reunited after all this time... We've got to work together!"

"She's right," Sylvain said with a nod, "In fact, why don't we all join forces and clean this place up a bit?"

"Ooh, yeah! That's a great idea! And it'll give us time to reminisce about all the good old days at the academy. I can't wait!"

Freya scoffed at her optimistic words. She turned her back and was leaving the room when she heard Seteth address her.

"Where do you think you are going?"

Freya smirked turning around, "Unlike you all, I am a free agent. Do as you please. This meeting is nothing, but a waste of my time."

"Grim Reaper," Dimitri said, hardening his tone, "Remember our deal."

Freya glared giving a mock bow, "How could I forget."

She returned standing beside Dimitri with an annoyed look. The blonde in turn focused his attention to the situation at hand.

"How carefree of you," he said.

"It may sound trivial, but... Well I think it's a good idea..." Ashe agreed.

"I understand feeling impatient, Your Highness ," Gilbert empathized, "But patience is key at a time like this. If we fix up our base, it will improve morale, which will be sorely needed as we-"

"Fools," Dimitri cut him off.

"Let's all settle down," Byleth scolded.

"Stay out of this," Dimitri snapped at her.

"Please calm yourself, Your Highness . We are not you enemies," Gilbert assured him.

"My enemies say the same," Dimitri said, taking his leave.

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