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Part 2: Azure Moon

Guardian Moon

The Delusional Prince

Fear was something Freya had always masked so well as a student. Five years later emotions became foreign and useless to her. The only thing she allowed herself to feel was vengeance. Standing before Sylvain made her vulnerable and she looked to make a haste exit.

"Freya," Sylvain said desperately, "You're alive."

Freya did not answer him. She just stood there.

"Please," he pleaded, "Talk to me. It has been five years since you went missing. Felix, Ingrid and I have been searching everywhere for you. Where have you been?"

"Save your breath," Freya said looking at her former friend, "The Freya you knew died long ago. All you see is the Grim Reaper, the manifestation of her rage. That was all that survived."

"That is not true," Sylvan argued, "Please, I need to know."

Freya looked at her friend coldly, "There is nothing to tell. You can keep the ring and chain. I promised to give it back to you when we saw each other again."

She stared at the mask and sighed, "So much for trying to stay hidden."

She discarded the mask and retreated to the room she was staying. Once she was inside, she swore loudly and placed her head in her hands. How could she have been so reckless? Now her whole secret is out. The look on Sylvain's face broke her heart. She did not deserve his sympathy. He had the right to push her away and never see her again.

"So he finds out," a voice sneered.

Freya lifted her head weakly seeing Mara standing in front of her with a wicked grin on her face.

"You betrayed his trust. Some friend you are," Mara scoffed, "You deserve no one."

"You aren't real," Freya muttered, "You are an illusion."

"Sure I am real," Mara replied laughing, "After all, you killed me."

Freya flinched, "I did not have a choice."

"You chose the coward's way," Mara accused, "A true warrior would have let themselves be killed with dignity. Not run with cowardice."

Freya said nothing and she saw her father's spirit join in, "A disgrace to the Larkern name. You deserve death."

Her eyes brimmed with tears seeing their wounds on their bodies. The blood seeped into the floor and dripped towards her. The air turned unbreathable as Freya clawed to regain control over her demons. Her family members continued to assault her with cutthroat words that drove her to madness until she was on the ground in a fetal position sobbing. Her father and sister smiled at her torture.

"There are worse things than death," Mara smirked, "This is one of them."

Their spirits disappeared and Freya pulled herself off the floor. It was still night out and Freya muttered to herself, "I need to leave and vanquish those demons myself. Even if I have to die."

She gathered her things and crept out of the dormitories hoping not to wake anyone up. Her feet carried her to the fishing pond and she paused remembering how she always used to sit there and talk to her sister. That was before she knew the truth. Freya shook her head and was about to move on when a voice asked her, "Going somewhere?"

She froze thinking it to be the prince, but that was not the case. Sylvain stood with his arms crossed and an unimpressed look on his face.

"What are you doing up at such a late hour?" She asked him.

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