Taking Fort Merceus

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Part 2: Azure Moon

Blue Sea Moon

The Impregnable Fortress

"This is much easier," Freya said on Helios' back, "I do not need to walk."

"Lucky you," Ashe said, "I am lucky to be able to keep up."

"Lazy," Felix muttered under his breath.

Freya glared at him and even Helios snorted at his remark.

"Oh do not worry, Felix is just jealous," Freya cooed Helios.

They rested in Gronder Field and Freya let Helios drink and eat while she was with the others.

"Fort Merceus..." Dimitri said in thought, "Said to rival Arianrhod, the Silver Maiden. Perhaps a head-on siege was a foolish plan after all."

"No, you're right that it's the only way. I don't think the Death Knight would have fallen for any tricks. Even if they are denied supplies, they could hold a fortress like this for months. And we cannot discount the possibility that they will receive more reinforcements if our siege is delayed," Gilbert said.

"Yes, my thoughts exactly," Dimitri said, "Then we have no option but to do the best we can," Dimitri concluded, "Say, Professor... In the past, it seemed like the Death Knight took some strange satisfaction from his fights with you. He's an unpredictable opponent. A dangerous one. Please proceed with caution."

"No need to worry." Byleth told him.

"I have not come this far just to lose you here. I'm serious. Do not be reckless out there," Dimitri said looking at the professor.

"If anyone's being reckless, that's you," Sylvain whispered to her.

Freya elbowed him, "Sylvain we are in a meeting."

Her face went red as she realized everyone was staring at her. Her hands gripped Helios' reins tightly unable to react. She gave a sheepish apology and changed the subject.

"What do you believe awaits us?"

"I would expect the Emperor would have strengthened her regime garrisoning soldiers from throughout the Empire. It will not be an easy fight," Gilbert warned.

"I see," Freya thought, "And do we have insight into their forces?"

"Unfortunately, our spies were unable to retrieve that information due to the ever shifting circumstances in the Imperial Army," Gilbert responded.

"No matter," Dimitri said, "Our forces will come out with victory. There is no other option."

Freya gave a curt nod to Dimitri and had a determined look on her face, "Then I will give it my all."

They reached the fort and Freya saw the Death knight in the distance waiting for them.

"They broke through the main gate... Trample them. All save... that woman..." Death Knight commanded.

"Even though we smashed the main gate, Fort Merceus is still an ironclad fortress. And the enemy commander is the Death Knight. We must not falter in our assault!" Dimitri said to everyone.

"Fools," Death Knight said, "Push forward and surround them..."

Freya flew forward with Helios and pulled back the string of her bow to attack a soldier. It pierced him and he fell to the ground dead. Freya skimmed past a flying arrow and moved back. A roar of a beast caught her attention and Freya's face paled. In front of her was a towering demonic beast. It's red eye focused on her and she swallowed as it prepared for an attack.

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