The Battle for Garreg Mach Pt. 2

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Part 1: White Clouds

Lone Moon

To War

"I have a report," a knight said, "The enemy is within the walls. They're about to break the defensive line!"

"The archbishop and the defensive line both require our assistance," Dedue stated, "We must protect them until reinforcements get here."

Freya nodded her head and surveyed the enemies. Among them she saw Eelgard, Hubert and Death Knight. She smiled coldly. It would seem fate had favoured her a battle against those who started this tragedy.

She took a calculative step forward and grunted being hit by a magical attack. She used her sword to rise to her feet. Fire surrounded the monastery and Freya pulled back her hand from the flames. She lost sight of Sylvain and fear coursed through her. What if he was already dead? She shook her head, he could not be. He was a strong fighter and on a horse no less. But why could she not see him?

She saw Dedue swinging his axe to her right and Dimitri advancing in front of him. Byleth was to her left and taking down imperial soldiers with her arrows. She swung Silverlight and sprinted forward, slicing through three soldiers. They fell at her feet and she dodged an axe thrown at her. She retaliated by bringing her blade down against the soldier. She felt their body fall against hers. As she pulled her blade out, the man fell in a pool of their own blood.

If this were a year ago, Freya would cry out in horror at what she had done. She would consider their family who may never know their death. She would face them and confess. She should be put to death. However, none of that was what Freya felt.

Instead, she felt alive. The spilling of blood called out to her like a mother's lullaby. She grinned staring down at her blade. Was she always a monster? With swift movements, she cut through the soldiers coming face to face with Madeleine. The stoic Black Eagles member held her blade tightly towards her.

"Stand down and surrender," Madeleine said, "You are no match for the Empire."

Freya just chuckled like Madeleine was telling a joke, "I see that as a challenge. You were responsible for my misery. You shall pay with your blood!"

Freya launched an attack against Madeleine who gritted her teeth countering. Freya did not relent and swung her blade repeatedly. She was pushed back by Madeleine who frowned.

"I did not do anything to your family."

"You serve the people who did it," Freya snarled, "And that is enough to be condemned."

She leapt through the air and brought Silverlight down on her. Madeleine fell to the ground with Freya's blade to her throat. She saw the fear flickering in Madeleine's eyes and smiled in delight.

"Do you enjoy how it feels?" She taunted, "To feel helpless and on the brink of death? Just like my sister. She was only fifteen and had her entire future ahead of her. You sick twisted monsters ruined it. And you have no ounce of regret."

"Do you even hear yourself, Freya?" Madeleine pleaded, "This is not like you. Curb your bloodlust. You can't change the past."

Freya shook her head, "No... I can't."

Madeleine let out a sigh of relief thinking she managed to get through to Freya. But when Freya smiled, Madeleine's face widened in horror.

"I can't change the past," Freya frowned, "But I can prevent it from repeating by destroying you scum."

She raised her blade and Madeleine gritted her teeth trying to figure out her escape plan when Freya was sent flying into a wall further back. Madeleine took no time in retreating while Freya was distracted. By the time Freya made it to her feet, she kicked the ground angrily. The little weasel had evaded her grasp. She took a step forward when she felt her hand grabbed. She reacted by swinging her blade only for it to be stopped. Her eyes widened seeing Sylvain in front of her countering her blow with his lance. His face was full of disappointment.

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