The White Heron Cup

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Part 1: White Clouds

Ethereal Moon

The Cause of Sorrow

    "Come on, Frey," Sylvain teased, "Show me some of your dance moves."

    Freya released a frustrated breath. The White Heron Cup was a dancing competition where the professors chose a student to represent their house. The prize was huge and everyone wanted to win.

    "I do not dance, Sylvain," She replied, swinging her sword.

    "Pretend it's training," Sylvain said and moved back just in time as she swung her training sword at him.

    "If I did that," Freya rolled her eyes, "Everyone would be dead. Besides, you should be the one to represent us. You are all about trying to impress people."

    Sylvain ran his fingers through his hair, "The ladies would be impressed by a man who can dance."

    He looked at the professor who walked in.

    "Hey, Professor," Sylvain greeted, "Still deciding who to represent for the White Heron Cup? I have my hands full deciding who to ask to go with me to the ball at the end of the month. Freya here said she would love to."

    Freya punched his shoulder, "Absolutely not. Professor, if you choose me, our house would surely lose. I am a fighter not a dancer."

    "I will take that into account," Byleth smiled, not giving anything away.

    "One more thing," Byleth said, holding out a silver bracelet.

     "I didn't even realize I misplaced it, thanks Professor," Freya said, thankful to Byleth who gave a nod to the Larkern. 

     She left the training grounds leaving Sylvain and Freya alone.

    "I hear students speaking about the legend of the Goddess Tower," Sylvain said.

    Freya looked over at him, "That old legend?"

    "If a man and a woman go to the Goddess Tower and make a wish, it's sure to come true! We should do that."

    "Isn't that what lovers do?" Freya frowned.

    "Is that not what we are?" Sylvain teased and Freya pushed him away, "We are just friends, lover boy."

    "You say that now, Freya," Sylvain laughed lightly, "Deep down, I know you feel something for me."

    "Yeah," Freya smiled, "It's called victory."

    She disarmed Sylvain who feigned a hurt tone, "I'm deeply hurt. I try professing my heart to you and you in turn disarm me. What's a man in love supposed to do."

    "Calm down, Sylvain," Freya muttered, "Drama queen."

    Sylvain held his hands up in surrender, "Either way, we should still make a wish, even if it isn't for romance and see if the legends are true. Remember back when we were kids and talked about it?"

    Freya froze in the memory. She had met Sylvain when she was six and he was seven. She visited Lord Gautier with her father on business and wandered off to explore. She ran into trouble and that was where she met Sylvain.

    "Where are you going?" A boy asked her and Freya faced him.

    She wore a simple dress and had her hair pulled back into an elegant updo. Her father wanted her to look respectful. She much preferred to wear armour like the knights that served her family. When she grew up, she wanted to be a knight that protected people and made Fódlan a better place for all.

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