Exploring the Monastery

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Part 1: White Clouds

Harpstring Moon

Familiar Scenery

It was finally the weekend and Freya decided to go to the cathedral to meet up with Flayn whom she promised to participate in the choir festival. While she loathed singing as her voice was not the fairest, she was not one to back out of a promise. While she waited for Flayn to arrive, she warmed up her voice so she would not sound like a creaking door. She practiced for a few minutes and looked around her. Her face went red when she noticed the processor standing before her.

    "Professor, how long have you been standing there?" Freya asked her.

    "Not too long," she responded and Freya frowned, "Long enough for you to witness my awful sound."

    Byleth shook her head, "You sounded good."

    "Oh... Um... Thanks," she said and looked over his shoulder, "Sylvain didn't send you to keep tabs on me or anything, did he?"

Byleth shook her head just as Flayn came.

"Oh, Freya, I am sorry. My brother and I's discussion lasted longer than anticipated. I did not keep you waiting too long, did I?"

Freya broke out into a smile and shook her head, "No, not at all. The professor and I were just having a nice chat."

She turned to Byleth and smiled, "Since you're here, why don't you join us and sing? What do you think, Flayn? Would it be alright with you?"

Flayn nodded her head excitedly, "Of course."

They commenced in choir and when the proceedings were finished, Flayn looked at Freya.

"We should do this again next time you are free," Flayn said enthusiastically.

Freya smiled as the young girl left. She turned to Byleth and gave a gracious nod.

"Thank you again for enduring it with me."

Byleth smiled back and Freya took her leave and headed to the training center. On her way, she ran into Madeleine.

"Oh, Madeleine, what a surprise to run into you today. Where are you off too?"

"Oh," Madeleine smirked, "I am off to find Sylvain."

Freya raised an eyebrow, "What for?"

She could not hide the jealousy in her voice at the mention of her best friend. She knew that they were nothing more than close friends, but she did not trust Madeleine. Madeleine noticed her distrust and smirked, "Oh, not to worry, I am not interested in the heartthrob."

"What are you trying to insinuate?" Freya said through gritted teeth.

Madeleine feigned a hurt expression, "Do you think so little of me?"

The Black Eagles student rolled her eyes, "Whatever, think what you may. If you see Sylvain, tell him I am looking for him."

"Of course," Freya lied and Madeleine headed to the classroom.

    When she was gone, arms wrapped around her and Freya elbowed whoever grabbed her. The person scowled and backed away. She faced them and they spoke scratching the back of their head.

    "Gees, you always hit so hard. I feel like I should know that," he laughed.

    Freya smirked, "You should, but you don't and that is fine with me."

    "Oh really?"

    "Of course. Anyways Madeleine was looking for you."

    "Oh? What for?"

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