Returning Dawn

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Part 2: Azure Moon

Harpstring Moon

The King's Triumphant Return

Sylvain was rushed to the infirmary and Freya refused to leave his side. She sat beside his bed while he laid unconscious. Manuela treated his wounds along with Mercedes. Sylvain was lucky that Madeleine did not slash any deeper lest she would have punctured a vital. Sylvain did lose much blood and Freya prayed he would make it. She raised her head hearing a rustling and looked up to see Sylvain stirring.

"You're awake," Freya beamed happily as tears of joy ran down her face.

"Why are you crying?" Sylvain asked.

"You were on the brink of death and yet you ask me how I am doing?" Freya said puzzled, "Don't ever do that again."

"I could not let you take the attack," Sylvain said, "I refuse to be helpless and watch you get killed. I could not live with myself if you did."

"How do you think I felt," Freya wept, "If you died, I'd want to join you."

Fear flickered through Sylvain's eyes as he shook his head, "Out of the question, Freya. You need to live. Everyone needs you."

"And I need you, Syl," Freya said, "I always do."

The situation has turned tables as now Freya was the one pleading with Sylvain to stay instead of him begging her.

Sylvain hugged her, "I'm never leaving, Frey. I'll stay here with you however long you want me here."

"I'm glad you're up," Manuela says, "The magic is working quite quickly. You are cleared for battle."

"Thanks, I'm feeling fresh and new," Sylvain said standing up. He wrapped an arm around Freya's waist, "Come on, we should go meet the others."

Freya nodded her head remembering the devastating aftermath that occurred after the Battle at Gronder Field. Freya's intuition was right about that mysterious girl. Her name was Fleche and she attempted to end Dimitri's life. Rodrigue took the attack and was mortally wounded. This gave Byleth the chance to kill Fleche who was lost to revenge. Felix's father died in Dimitri's arms. Since getting back to the monastery, he was recovering from his wounds sustained in the fight.

"Our victory at Gronder was certainly a turning point for us. However... Rodrigue's death has been difficult to bear. We've lost considerable military strength and resources," Gilbert says sombrely.

"Is there no way to secure more soldiers?" Byleth asked him.

"Unfortunately, with things as they are now, I don't think House Gautier has any resources to spare," Sylvain frowned, "And that includes the remains of House Larkern."

Freya bowed her head in shame. As the head of her House, she knew she had to rebuild her territory, but she did not trust anyone in her territory who was able to fight. Those she did trust were simply not strong enough. They needed more time. Sylvain's father took over the territory for her until she was able to take over herself.

"I'm sorry," Ingrid sighed, "I really wish we could help. If only house Galatea had anything to give..."

"If we split up the soldiers currently defending the monastery, we should have sufficient numbers to invade the Empire. But even then..." Gilbert deliberated.

"Your Highness !" Dedue said, "You should be resting. Your wounds are still healing..."

Dimitri looked at Dedue, "I am well, I assure you. More importantly... May I have a moment of your time?"

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