Ambush at Aileil

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Part 2: Azure Moon

Pegasus Moon

The Valley of Torment

Freya rose early that morning to watch the sunrise. She crept through the vast corridors and made her way to the sun terrace on the third floor. While the Archbishop's room resided there Freya found ways of sneaking up there in her days as part of the Officers Academy.

There was a small garden on the roof that was taken good care of by Cyril. It brought a smile to Freya's face seeing something beautiful in the midst of the war.

"You're up early," she heard someone say.

Freya turned her head to see Byleth walking up beside her.

"Good morning, Professor," Freya said, "I hope I did not wake you up."

Byleth shook her head, "No, of course not."

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here?"

"I came to check in on you."

"On me?"

Byleth nodded and Freya gave the professor a small smile.

"I appreciate your concern, Professor," Freya said, "Considering our last exchange, I wasn't in the right frame of mind. Thankfully, I have people who care about me to pull me back from the darkness. Though, I do wish Dimitri would feel the same."

Freya lifted her head, "Have you tried speaking with him?"

Byleth nodded her head.


Byleth looked away and Freya sighed, "Do not worry, Professor. I let myself get dragged down with him. I will be okay. He should be waking up soon and I should probably be there. Thank you for intervening last time."

She glanced at the faded bruises and turned her head, "I believe that the old Dimitri is still in there trying to break through. If anyone can get through to him, it's you. Don't give up."

She left Byleth and returned to the dormitories in time to see Dimitri step out. He gave her an expressionless stare and walked past her as she followed him behind for another day of service. They departed to the cathedral just as Dimitri had done every day before. It was his new habit. Somehow, standing in silence here silenced the voices of the death. At first, Freya thought so too, but knew what would happen if she suppressed everything.

A knight walked up whispering in her ear. She widened her eyes and gave a silent nod thanking the knight who left. She took a cautious step forward and Dimitri acknowledged her presence.

"It would seem your presence is required," she told him, "In the Entrance Hall."

"Thank you," Dimitri told her as they headed to their destination.

"We received a reply from my father," Felix says, "You should read it too."

Freya inspected the letter.

Gilbert has filled me in on the details. He tells me you are in immediate need of additional troops. I would like to say that I will gather reinforcements and send them to the monastery at once... However, I cannot afford to leave the front lines for that long. Would you be willing to meet us south of Fraldarius territory in Ailell, the Valley of Torment? Ailell is halfway between the monastery and our territory. There, I will deliver the soldiers you require.


"The Valley of Torment?" Byleth asked.

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