Salvation at the Chapel

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Part 1: White Clouds

Ethereal Moon

The Cause of Sorrow

With the festivities over, everyone's focus was on the mission at hand. The chapel was under investigation after suspicious activities were reported. Freya was in the training grounds practicing her technique with Silverlight when Dimitri came rushing in. She sheathed her sword and looked at the prince.

"Is everything alright?"

"There are demonic beasts attacking students at the chapel," Dimitri broke out.

Freya ran with him fearing that the students would be injured or worse, dead. They caught up to the Blue Lions and she stood with Ingrid.

"How many do you think there are?" Freya asked her friend.

"Hard to say," Ingrid answered, "All we were told was that the situation was dire."

Jeralt led the way and accompanied them to the location where students were being attacked by demonic beasts. Freya unsheathed Silverlight looking at the beast with disgust.

"There really are Demonic Beats here... They're emerging from the chapel!" Jeralt said, "I'll head that way. The rest of you, protect the students who weren't able to get away."

Freya nodded her head at her orders and ran at one of the beasts. The first time she faced one, she broke a rib. This time, she was stronger. She jumped, slicing the beast's skin. She ignored the blood that stained her blade and only had bloodlust in her eye. The beast swiped at her and she rolled to the side. She anticipated its next attack and swung again. She stabbed the creature with her blade and it hollered in pain. Freya stepped back watching the creature fall to the ground dead.

The death of one beast attracted the others as they surrounded her. She heard them hissing and gritted her teeth. She was willing to fight until her last breath. She was a warrior and that was the way she planned to leave this world. With a battle cry, she ran meeting one of the beasts. It summoned boulders to crush her and she was sent flying back. It moved towards her and she saw its sharp claws coming towards her. Was this the end for her?

An arrow pierced the beast diverting its attention. It allowed for her to move around the beast and slain it. She blew a strand of hair out of her face and looked to see who saved her.

"Thanks," She said to Mercedes who smiled back at her, "Of course."

She noticed Sylvain fighting on his horse against one of the beasts. His movements were slowing while the beast built up power. She sprinted and swung her blade. The beast turned facing Freya.

"You want a fight?" She taunted, "Then come and get me."

The beast hissed in her face swatting her to the side. She forced herself to her knees and smiled bitterly, "I will not falter."

Her sword was dripping in black blood, but she did not feel disgusted. Her brown eyes dulled as the beats withered before her.

"Frey," Sylvain said, "Are you okay?"

Freya nodded her head, "I could ask the same of you."

"That was reckless," Sylvain said, frowning, "I was doing fine."

"I couldn't bear to watch it almost kill you," Freya told him and his gaze softened.


"Come on," she said walking past him, "We need to save the remaining students."

She looked away from him and pushed back all her emotions. In battle, they would only be a distraction to her. The ring was still around her neck as she vowed to never take it off. It served as a reminder of her emotions that she kept sealed away.

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