Saving Derdriu

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Part 2: Azure Moon

Harpstring Moon

The Golden Deer's Plea

Freya woke up the next morning to a pounding headache. She faintly remembered celebrating the liberation of Fhirdiad and made a vow to never have more than one drink. She let out a groan and then noticed she was not wearing her armour.

"Finally awake I see," Sylvain smiled twirling a lock of her hair.

Freya realized she was in the same bed as Sylvain and groaned, "What happened last night. How did I get here?"

Sylvain grinned, "Where shall I begin? You mobilized your forces to join the Kingdom's army. Then we celebrated. You were a little drunk having six full mugs of ale. You spoke to Dedue and Dimitri and you were slurring your words and were a complete mess. I found you and you didn't even recognize me. However, you did say some interesting things."

Freya shared a look of horror on her face, "What did I say?"

Sylvain mimicked her voice, "The Sylvain I know isn't this attractive. He is super sweet and funny. He's a really good kisser."

Freya paled as the memory of last night came back to her.

"I really did say all that, didn't I?"

"And more," Sylvain chuckled.

Freya groaned out of embarrassment and buried her face in the pillow. Today was the day they were heading back to the monastery and she made her way to the dining hall where breakfast was being served. She saw Felix and Ingrid and Ingrid smirked.

"What did I say to you?" Freya asked.

"You kept asking me where Sylvain was even though he was right behind you," Ingrid laughed, "It was funny seeing you saying 'I keep trying to tell him I'm Sylvain's, but he refuses to listen to me'"

Freya's cheeks went red, "I said that. Remind me never to drink more than one drink ever again."

"I heard House Larkern joined the Kingdom army," Felix said and Freya nodded her head, "Yes, while I was still coherent for lack of a better term, I received word from a messenger about the update. While my territory is still rebuilding itself, I managed to come up with a small force of those capable and willing to fight for our cause."

Dimitri stepped out and Freya bowed respectfully.

"Nice to see you are feeling better," Dimitri told her.

"Back and ready to serve," Freya said.

"Good," Dimitri said, "We had an express messenger sent from Claude and the Alliance. They need our aid and the Imperial army is headed towards Derdriu and he needs the help."

Freya widened her eyes thinking of Eliza. She hoped she was okay.

"We must help them," Freya said and Dimitri nodded his head, "We will. We are almost done amassing the troops needed to face them. We leave as soon as we can."

A few days later, they left the Kingdom capital, stopped at Garreg Mach and then marched to Derdriu against the clock.

"I always wanted to come here," Freya frowned as she walked, "I never thought it would be to fight."

Derdriu was the Aquatic Capital. It was a sight of Fódlan and many young lovers would visit it in their lifetime.

"It appears the Imperial army has already marched into Derdriu and engaged the Alliance. It seems the Imperial advance has been stalled by guerrilla skirmishes. The Alliance forces are holding out, they won't last much longer," Gilbert reported.

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