Clash at the Imperial Capital

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Part 2: Azure Moon

Verdant Rain Moon

Oath of a Dagger

    Send your platoons to capture Enbarr! There is to be bo needless killing or pillaging, understand?" Dimitri asked a Kingdom General.

    "Yes, Your Highness!"

    "Edelgard awaits us. We will advance our main forces straight to the palace."

    "We've finally made it here," Byleth said.

    "Yes," Dimitri said longingly, "It truly has been a long war. And we have only made it this far because of you... Actually, no. I will save the sentiment for after we win this battle. We will advance our troops and confront her. We must strike down the emperor and end this war."

    "My life is yours, Your Highness," Dedue vowed.

    "Let's win this and go back home in victory! I'll do the very best I can!" Annette promised.

    "On my honour as a knight... I will not lose!" Ingrid stated.

    "I know the goddess is watching over us. Let's be sure to return home safely. All of us."

    "As a citizen of Faerghus, I will fight with everything I have!" Ashe said.

    "Heh heh heh, is this what a do-or-die situation looks like? You had best give it your all too, General."

    "Indeed," Freya agreed, "We can't afford to hold back."

    "The path to the emperor is open. Fulfill your duty as our king."

    "Yes," Dimitri answered, "I will... No. We will win this. Together! Everyone! Move out!"

    The army cheered and marched deeper into the city just before the imperial palace. The Blue Lions slowed and Dimitri gathered everyone to rally the troops one last time before battle.

"We have annihilated Enbarr's army. If we strike her down now, this war will finally be over. I imagine she intends to keep fighting until the bitter end... If this is the end she has chosen, it is my responsibility to see it through with her. Isn't that so... Emperor of Adrestia? We have no choice but to destroy each other... Such is the destiny we were born to. That is why... I will now rise up to answer her iron will with the bite of my lance."

    "I will protect you at all costs. We will both live to see tomorrow... Your Majesty." Dedue said.

    "Hmph," Felix scoffed, "If the king falls here, that would mean my father's and brother's deaths were in vain."

    "For Lonato, Christophe, everyone... I will not lose!" Ashe stated.

    "Well," Sylvain said, "If I were to die now, I'd have a lot to explain to my brother."

    "There is no other option, but to move forward," Freya said, "We must be victorious. Not just for us, but for everyone in Fódlan who wish this war to meet its end."

    "All will be okay," Mercedes smiled, "I know we can win!"

    "I won't falter," Annette said, "No matter what we're facing!"

    "For those who have lost their lives in this war... We cannot lose!" Ingrid said, serious.

    "Let's win this," Byleth cheered.

    Dimitri nodded his head, "It is time. Onward, to our final battle."

    Everyone marched into the palace and Freya felt uneasy.

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