The Ball

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Part 1: White Clouds

Ethereal Moon

The Cause of Sorrow

The tables in the reception hall were cleared out creating a ballroom. Students were chatting and holding glasses of wine. The music started and a group of people paired off to waltz. Freya watched from the sides as Dimitri took a student and Edelgard did as well. They moved so effortlessly. Freya could not help but be envious of how easy dancing came to them. Most likely they were taught at a young age being royalty.

"You think the professor will dance?" Claude asked, walking up beside her.

"What about Eliza?" Freya replied and Claude winked, "She has all the others. Besides last I saw her, she was gorging on sweets."

Freya chuckled. Eliza loved her sweets. Claude headed over to Blyeth and led her to the dance floor. They looked cute and Eliza stood beside her.

"He wanted to ask the Professor to dance for the longest time," Eliza said smiling, "I am happy for him."

"Are you two not together?" Freya raised an eyebrow.

Eliza smiled, "Not officially. I mean he is the heir to the Leicester Alliance and I am just a commoner. He'll probably marry someone of status."

"Never say never," Freya told the girl, "Besides, he told me the rest of the dances he wants with you."

Eliza's face turned red as she looked at Claude. Freya noticed the gleam in the young girl's eyes. They were like two lovers.

"You both should make a wish at the Goddess Tower," Freya suggested, "Many students already did."

"Maybe," Eliza said, "I just wouldn't know what to wish for."

Freya laughed and Eliza smiled at her, "You should laugh more often, Freya."

Her comment struck Freya as odd. Eliza looked ashamed, "I am sorry if I offended you."

"Do not worry, you didn't," Freya assured her.

Eliza smiled, "Okay phew. I'm heading back to the sweets. If Claude comes looking, just point over there for me."

"Will do," Freya promised as the blonde blended into the crowd.

A finger tapped her shoulder and she turned to see Sylvain standing behind her.

"You promised me a dance," Sylvain said, grabbing her hand.

"You know I can't dance," Freya whispered.

"That makes two of us," Sylvain smiled, "I'll try not to step on your feet. Wouldn't want the ladies to see me mess up."

"You're insufferable," Freya said as he spun her around.

"But you're still my friend," he smirked and Freya sighed, "I wonder why I stayed."

"Because I saved you that day," Sylvain says, "I'm your Prince Charming."

Freya smiled at him, "Yeah right. You're more like my shadow."

Sylvain laughed in response as the song ended. He held onto her hand, "Come to the Goddess Tower with me."

Freya froze, "The Goddess Tower?"

Sylvain nodded and dragged her with him. They stood in the tower together. Freya did not know why he wanted her there until he spoke.

"Freya, you have been my closest friend and I still remember our promise to make a wish together here at the Goddess Tower. When Dimitri spoke about reuniting in five year, it got me thinking about what the future may bring us. We'll be busy with running our Houses, but I want you to have this."

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