Taking Back Fhirdiad

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Part 2: Azure Moon

Harpstring Moon

The King's Triumphant Return

    "Fhirdiad... It has been a lifetime since I was last here. Five years ago, in fact. On the day before my execution, when Dedue and Freya helped me escape from prison. I killed soldiers from my homeland, stole weapons from their corpses, and made my escape soaked in their blood. To think this is how I would return to the city of my birth, after all this happened," Dimitri said longingly.

    "I'm proud of you," Byleth told him.

    "I do not deserve that. If not for you or Rodrigue, I would still be lost..." he replied, "I am glad to have you at my side. From the bottom of my heart... I am forever grateful. Let's win this, Professor. Let's all make it out alive and celebrate our victory."

    "Your Highness. The path to the castle has been cleared. We are making preparations to advance. Say the word and we march," Gilbert told him.

    "It's time!" Byleth said.

    "Yes..." Dimitri agreed, "Let us begin. Everyone! Listen well! This battle is for all that the Empire stole from us. It is a fight to reclaim the days of peace we once enjoyed. I give you but two commands - stay alive, and follow your heart. That is all I ask. The gates to the Kingdom capital are open. Join me! It is time to take back our home!"

    Everyone, including Freya, cheered loudly as they marched forward. They entered the perimeter and Freya saw the wicked Cornelia awaiting their arrival.

    "The preparations are all in place. Time to meet my old master. Ready the Titanus in the streets! Let's give them a welcome to remember," the witch said.

    "Advance!" Dimitri commanded, "Smash that traitor Cornelia and reclaim the capital! I will not lose... I swear it by the blood in my veins..."

    The Titanus attacked and Freya swung her blade shocked to see it doing little to no damage.

    "Bah!" Dimitri said, "These things are surprisingly tough... Are they being reinforced by magic?"

    "If there is magic in use," Gilbert said, "We should find the source and eliminate it."

    "Weren't the Titanus enough for you? Well then! We had better activate the Viskam!"

    A machine fired a magical blast and Freya took the hit grunting. She looked around trying to see what had hit her.

    Ingrid managed to locate the switch and shut it off.

    "That should stop the supply of magic. Now we should be able to land attacks on those things."

    "These strange devices and weapons... They are the Empire's? Unbelievable," Gilbert said amazed.

    Freya struck Cornelia's soldiers down with ease and opened the pathway for Dimitri to deliver the killing blow.

    "My, it's been a long time hasn't it, Your Highness? You've grown awfully strong," Cornelia mused.

    "How shameless. I bet it was you who killed my uncle and set me up. Am I right?" Dimitri replied furious.

    "Hah! Too true! I'd already forgotten all about that loveliness."

    "I'll kill you, your monster! You will pay for all that you have done!"

    Cornelia let out a ragged breath, "Well, so be it. Still, I'll give you a little gift..."

    Freya stepped forward in case the witch had any other plans up her sleeve.

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