To the Skies

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Part 2: Azure Moon

Blue Sea Moon

The Impregnable Fortress

"We finally have our decisive battle with the Empire this month," Dimitri said to everyone.

"The Eastern Lords are in the process of consolidating all the troops within the entire Kingdom," Gilbert accounted, "In addition, ever since Arianrhod's liberation, the western lords have been declaring their fealty one after another."

"Affairs within the Kingdom have calmed down considerably, and we even managed to win over the Alliance," Ashe brought up.

"Although it was a rough go at first, I'm starting to feel like we could actually win this!"

"That's true!" Mercedes agreed, "Thinking back on it now, we've really come a long way."

"We even have a lead to where Rhea is located. It is as we predicted all along. If we are to rescue Rhea, then we must defeat the emperor..." Seteth said.

"Um," Ashe spoke up, "If we're going to march from the monastery to Enbarr, then we'll have to cross the Great Bridge of Myrddin again, right?"

"Yes," Dimitri confirmed, "I believe so. As we have gained the Alliance's support, we should not have any trouble this time. After the bridge, we can head across Gronder Field and head south. And then we'll take Merceus, the so-called impregnable fortress that towers on the other side."

"An impregnable fortress?" Byleth said curious.

"Fort Merceus..." Ashe murmured, "I know of it. They say it rivals even Arianrhod."

"Count Bergliez, the Empire's minister of military affairs, once had troops stationed there. But according to our spires, a large scale force has entered the stronghold. Perhaps they are gathering soldiers from various regions to compensate for their losses."

"Should we try to avoid it?" Byleth asked.

"If we try to avoid it, those troops will follow us and attack from the rear. It is better for us to handle the situation head-on," Dimitri said.

"Besides," Freya said, grinning, "Any fortress can be conquered. Let's not underestimate our strength."

"Once we take Fort Merceus, Enbarr will be within reach. This is the Empire's last chance to stop us from arriving at our goal," Dimitri said.

"In other words, if we take this fort, then our blades will be at the emperor's throat in no time."

"If this is the last fort between us and them, then the emperor will likely do everything to strengthen its defences."

Dimitri nodded, "I just received a report on that very subject. The one commanding the troops stationed at Fort Merceus is someone we have crossed blades with many times. It is the Death Knight who awaits us."

Freya stiffened at the mention of the foe. Each time they fought, she never won. This time, she was determined to win. The war council ended and Freya was able to find a pegasus to ride. Ingrid and her headed to the stables and they spoke enthusiastically.

"I am most grateful that House Larkern was able to find him again," Freya admitted, "It took awhile for my people to track him down again after so long."

"He did not put up a fight, did he?" Ingrid asked her and Freya shook her head, "Surprisingly no. He inherited my mother's kindness and admiration for food. All the men had to do was hold out an apple and he came flying back. Due to turmoil and defending Larkern territory, they did not have the resources to bring him here. But now that affairs in the Kingdom are settling down, it is safe to do so."

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