Imperial Invasion

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Part 2: Azure Moon

Guardian Moon

The Delusional Prince

    As soon as Freya stepped foot in the classroom, all the other Blue Lions surrounded her.

    "I can't believe you are really here," Annette said happily, "Isn't that right, Mercie?"

    Mercedes gave a big nod of her head, "Of course, Annie."

    "I don't get it," Ashe shook his head, "Why did you not tell us from the start?"

    Freya tensed, "I felt it was not safe for everyone to know."

    Ashe frowned not liking her answer. She knew she would have to regain everyone's trust.

    "I do not expect you to forgive me so easily and I will do everything I can to try and salvage our fractured bond. All I ask is for you to listen."

    Freya explained her story to them and by the end, Mercedes was hugging her so tightly that Sylvain had to pry the young woman off of Freya. Mercedes gave Freya a soft smile, "We missed you, Freya."

    Freya gave them a bright smile, "I missed you guys too."

    She returned the hug and paused looking at Ashe, "Ashe..."

    He stopped her, "You don't have to say anything. Welcome back."

    Freya beamed with joy and Annette looked at Sylvain, "Did the two of you tie the knot?"

    Both Freya and Sylvain's face went red. They sputtered and insisted they were only friends and nothing more. Though they knew better, there was something.

    "How pathetic," a rough voice said.

    Freya turned her head to see Dimitri standing at the entrance. The blonde gave Freya a cutthroat look and Freya found herself shrinking in his presence. Sylvain stepped in front of her to shield her from Dimitri.

    "I require your attendance," Dimitri said stepping forward.

    "She does not have to go anywhere with you," Sylvain told him only to be pushed back by Freya.

    She was treading lightly when it came to Dimitri. Sylvain was only putting himself in danger.

    "I'll be okay," She reassured him and turned to Dimitri, "Let's go."

    Dimitri nodded and turned on his heel with Freya following behind. Her head was bowed slightly as she felt the darkness coming off from him. It called out to her, but she resisted thinking of her friends she just got back. He led her to the cathedral and Freya stood behind him respectfully waiting for him to speak.

    "Have you so easily let go of your vengeance?" He snorted, "You wish to see our enemy escape our grasp."

    Freya chose her words carefully, "I did not stray from my goals. I promised to stand with you and I shall abide by that."

    Dimitri turned and was in front of Freya. He was taller and looked down slightly.

    "We grew close these past years," he said, "We spoke about our enemies burning before us. We had each other's backs. Those long nights in exile together forging the future in our hands."

    Freya remembered those nights. That was when she was sensitive to the nightmares. Not only did she see the ones she killed, but also her dear friends appearing as ghosts. She knew the feeling of Dimitri holding her shaking body to his.

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