Blood of the Eagle and the Lion

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Part 2: Azure Moon

Great Tree Moon

The Rose-Coloured River

The Kingdom army marched deeper into the Empire reaching Gronder Field. Freya saw Edelgard and Claude each stepping forward with their armies. Edelgard's mages unleashed a fire attack killing members of the Kingdom and Alliance Armies. Freya hated this. This was war and it was ugly.

On the Empire side, she saw Petra, Bernadetta, Madeleine and Hubert. The Alliance had Lysithea, Raphael, Ignatz and Eliza. What was Claude thinking, Freya thought while staring at Eliza, Bringing her to this fight. She was going to be killed. There were so many familiar faces and Freya knew not all of them would survive.

"Know that I will tear your head from your shoulders," Dimitri said bitterly, "The dead must have their tribute."

Claude looked at his fallen soldiers, "As big class reunions go... This one's gotta be the worst in history."

Edelgard stepped forward and looked remorseful, "Years ago, we fought here as classmates. But not today."

"Kill every last one of them," Dimitri commands and charges forward. Claude and Edelgard's forces did the same as they all ran to the center.

"You have finally appeared, Edelgard. Now you are mine," Dimitri said.

"The Kingdom army doesn't look interested in joining forces. Let's take a moment and see how this unfolds..." Claude said, staying back with his men.

"It would not be advantageous to take on both at once. We must stop the Kingdom and the Alliance from joining forces. I will create such chaotic warfare that they will not be able to tell who is friend and who is foe. Mounted units. Advance!"

Freya was on the frontlines and moved forward channeling the Grim Reaper. The Empire seemed to recognize her from her imprisonment and she had a target on her back. She slid across the battlefield as the Imperial army fell. She saw Edelgard watching with cold eyes and Freya matched the venomous look. Her father worked closely with Edelgard and Freya had killed him and her sister.

"Hmph," Claude said, "The Empire and the Kingdom are mixed up in this battle. It's a struggle to target the right one. Such are the rules of Melee. We'll just have to crush anyone who isn't an ally!"

Freya looked behind to see Alliance soldiers led by Hilda behind them and Leonie appearing to the right of her.

"I guess they don't trust us," Freya frowned.

She truly believed Claude would be on their side in this war.

The sound of a cry was heard and Freya saw an Imperial warrior towering over Eliza. The girl's blue eyes wide in fear. Freya intercepted the killing blow meeting the warrior's axe with the blade of her sword. She grunted from the force and used all her strength to keep his axe at bay as he tried to overpower her. Eliza gasped seeing Freya and trembled in fear.

"F-F-Freya?" Eliza gasped.

"H-Help..." Freya said through gritted teeth.

Still recovering from her previous injuries, she was not at her full strength. Eliza seemed to understand and shot the guard in the eyes allowing Freya to deliver the killing blow. The soldier crumpled to the ground and Freya extended a hand towards Eliza.

"Why did you save me? Are we not enemies?" Eliza asked.

Back in their days at the Officers Academy, Freya saw Eliza as a little sister. Being two years younger, she felt protective over the girl. Eliza was staring behind her and Freya glanced back seeing Claude with an arrow aimed for her. She hoped he saw that she saved Eliza and would not be met with an arrow to her back as a reward.

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