The Underground Chamber

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Part 1: White Clouds

Horsebow Moon

Rumours of A Reaper

    Flayn went missing at the beginning of the month and Freya was desperate for her return. She could only imagine how Seteth felt. She scoured the entire monastery with no luck. She grimaced at the pain in her side. After the battle against Miklan, she was rushed to the infirmary. It turned out she had broken a rib in the fight and she was fortunate to not have punctured a lung. Sylvain was by her side and Dimitri visited often along with Byleth.

    She was forced to take it easy during training and she was eager to return to her old schedule.

    "I guess I'll find Manuela," Freya sighed, "She can patch me up."

    She headed over to the infirmary where Manuela would most likely be. She knocked on the door and when nobody answered, she opened it. The infirmary was empty and Freya frowned, "The one time I decided to heal myself and she's not here."

    Manuela's disappearance came off as puzzling to her. Was she on a date? Freya walked into Hannemen's office to see the professor standing there.

    "Professor Hannemen," Freya greeted, "Have you seen Professor Manuela? I was hoping she could check my ribs and help me heal faster."

    Hannemen shook his head, "I haven't seen her all day."

    Freya frowned and decided to speak to Dimitri about this startling news. She found him with the other Blue Lions.

    "Have you seen Professor Manuela?" She asked Dimitri and Byleth, "I was hoping she could give me something to ease my pain."

    Suddenly, Ingrid ran into the classroom, "Professor! Your Highness! I just heard a scream in Professor Jerizta's quarters."

    They ran to the professor's room and Freya gasped at the sight before her. Professor Manuela was on the ground before her unconscious.  

    "Professor Manuela! Please wake up! Professor Manuela!" Annette said, scared.

    "Is she dead?" Byleth asked.

    "No," Dimitri answered, "I believe she's just unconscious. But this wound requires immediate attention."

    "Look!" Annette said, "Do you see Professor Manuela's hand? It looks like she's pointing at something..."

    Sure enough, there was a secret passageway hidden behind the shelf.

    "What is the meaning of... Wait, is that Manuela? What happened here?" Professor Hannemen said entering the room. He looked at his colleague with concern.

    "We must take her to the infirmary immediately. You! Don't just stand there! Help me carry her."

    "Of course," Dimitri said, "I'll return shortly, Professor."

     He left the room with Hannemen and Manuela and Annette spoke, "Do you think this is related to Flayn's disappearance?"

    Freya nodded her head, "There may be a possible connection. We have to check this out."

    "Let's investigate," Byleth said to them.

    "It looks dark... Uh... Dark in there," Annette said afraid.

    Freya shook her head at her, "Now is not the time to be scared. Every moment we stand here talking is another moment that the enemy has Flayn."

    "Aw, you've always been scared of dark places, haven't you, Annie? But don't worry! The professor and I will protect you," Mercedes assured her.

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