Who Can You Trust?

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Part 1: White Clouds

Great Tree Moon

Prisoner at War

Freya opened her eyes slowly and blinked. Her mind was fuzzy as she tried to recall the past events. She remembered seeing fire and hearing screams. Her hands moved to her legs where she recalled an arrow and cut from a sword. She felt old stitches and brought her legs over the bed she was lying on.

She walked over to a mirror and gasped at the sight before her. Her hair was tangled in a knot and someone had changed her into a light nightgown. Her face was covered in faded bruises and her neck had a scar. Around her neck was Sylvain's ring.

Sylvain! Freya feared what happened when they protected Garreg Mach. Did they win or did everyone die? She heard footsteps and the door opened.

"Father?" Freya gasped stepping away from the mirror, "What is going on?"

Her father, Lord Larkern, stepped forward. His expression was somber as he stood in front of his daughter.

"I am sent to escort you."

"Escort me?" Freya asked, confused.

"Put on some clothes. I will wait outside in the hall."

He closed the door and Freya put on some blue armour and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. She opened the door and immediately took notice of the unfamiliar hallway. Her father walked over to her and she saw he had Silverlight in his belt. He led her silently down the hall past soldiers.

"Where are we?" She asked as he stood in front of a grand door.

He knocked and she heard a voice reply, "You may enter."

Freya clenched her fists recognizing the voice of Edelgard. She was forced into the war room and saw the Empress herself sitting at the head of the table. Her cold eyes greeted Freya as she was forced to sit down.

"What is the meaning of this?" She said.

"You probably wish to know what is going on, don't you?" She asked unfazed by Freya's outburst, "We are in Enbarr."

She whipped around to face her father with betrayal in her eyes, "You turned your back on Faerghus, you coward. Why help the enemy? They killed her!"

"Who me?" A new voice said and Freya turned her head to see the masked killer before her.

"I will have your blood," Freya grumbled trying to get up from her seat. Her father pushed her down and the masked killer stood in front of her.

"Your blood is mine," the killer replied stoic.

The killer removed their mask and Freya's eyes widened.

"No..." Freya let out, "It can't be... You're dead."

Her sister stood in front of her, "I am very much alive."

"Allow me to explain," Edelgard said, "Your father is of Adrestian descent. He went to the Kingdom on Empire business when he met your mother. I allowed him to stay on the condition he swear fealty to the Empire. When both of you were born with a crest, your father had planned on taking you both to the Empire after completing the Officers Academy. However, your sister discovered the truth of your father's origins and he could not risk you knowing. So her death was staged and she became the leader of his masked men."

"Why didn't you tell me she was alive?" Freya asked her father.

Lord Larkern lowered his face, "You believed her to be dead. We left it at that. It fuels your flames and look at the warrior you've become."

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