Bonding and Sparring

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Part 2: Azure Moon

Lone Moon

The Rose-Coloured River

Freya could not fall asleep. The nightmares returned after the fight at Aileil. The Valley of Torment, Freya thought in disbelief, How accurate. Sleep evaded her and she shuddered from the breeze that blew through her room. She exited her room and went for a walk hoping to ease her mind.

The stars in the night sky glowed brightly. Freya wondered what was up there. Was the goddess looking down upon them. No doubt she must be unimpressed by how war torn the land she created has become. She caught sight of a redhead and walked over to him.

"Couldn't sleep?" Freya asked.

Sylvain glanced at her and shook his head, "How'd you know?"

"Lucky guess," Freya chuckled, "I guess that makes two of us."

"Nightmares?" He asked concerned and Freya nodded her head.

"You almost died out there in Aileil," Sylvain frowned, "If Ashe had not saved your life."

Freya took a hesitant breath, "I would not be standing here if it weren't for him. I am in his debt for his kindness."

"I couldn't get to you..." Sylvain frowned, "I felt so helpless."

"Don't worry about it," Freya told him, "Just worry about yourself."

"If only it were that easy," Sylvain frowned.

Freya said nothing as she stared at the sky thinking about the war they were in. How much longer would it last? So many lives had already been lost and more were sure to come.

"How long will this war go?" Freya frowned, "How long until peace comes?"

"I don't know," Sylvain said, "He won't stop until he has her head that's for sure."

"I guess so," Freya sighed and laid down on the ground much to a puzzled Sylvain.

He laid down beside her not long after. The friends looked at the sky and thought about their futures. They bargained their lives each battle they took part in and Freya knew one of these days, their luck would run out. She moved her body closer to Sylvain's for comfort and smiled slightly as his arm went around her protectively. This was their moment.

Eventually, they both fell asleep under the stars and when morning came, Freya yawned. Her cheeks were red as she felt the sun on her skin and she sat up on the terrace. Sylvain was still sleeping beside her and she had a lazy smile on her face. Her fingers went to his hair and twisted it playfully. It was soft.

"Enjoying yourself, Frey?" Sylvain's tired voice asked her.

Freya pulled her hand back and shook her head. Sylvain sat up beside her and looked around, "Huh, I guess we never went back to our quarters, huh?"

"Well, if it makes the situation better, I had no more nightmares," Freya shrugged.

"Same," Sylvain said looking at her.

Freya rose to her feet, "Well, we should get to work before everyone begins to question."

Sylvain looked around, "I think they may already know."

At Freya's confused look, Sylvain pointed out their surroundings, "Did you notice no one is up here?"

Freya muttered a curse word under her breath as they returned to their rooms coming out much later. Freya made her way to the dining hall and took a seat.

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