Reunited at Daybreak

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Part 2: Azure Moon

Guardian Moon

The Delusional Prince

"Should we wake them up?" A voice asked.

"We need to confront them and it's almost lunch," a second voice replied.

"I still am in disbelief." The first voice said.

"You and me both."

Freya opened her eyes and looked to her side seeing two blurry figures. She blinked and then widened her eyes seeing Ingrid and Felix standing before her. She shifted in the bed and gasped realizing arms were wrapped around her waist. Her head looked to her other side and she found herself in Sylvain's room... In his bed... With him. Her first instinct was to lift the covers slightly and she let out a breath of relief to find she was still wearing her sleeping wear.

Memories of last nights resurfaced and Freya bowed her head. She felt Sylvain pull her back into his arms and placed his face on her neck.

"It's too early. Go back to sleep, Frey," Sylvain said in a husky voice.

Freya hit him in the shoulder, "Sylvain, wake up. We have company."

Immediately, Sylvain shot up from his bed. He scratched the back of his head and froze at the sight of Ingrid and Felx.

"What are the both of you doing in my room?" He inquired.

Ingrid and Felix rolled their eyes at his tone.

"The bigger question is, what is Freya doing in your bed?" Ingrid said and then shook her head, "No, an even bigger question is... What is Freya doing at the monastery? How did she even get here?"

"I would like to know as well, Grim Reaper," Felix said unimpressed.

Freya swallowed at her alias. She did not doubt Felix finding out the truth and even if he didn't, her reaction confirmed it all. She sighed deeply, "I suppose I owe you an explanation."

She lowered her head as she told her tale. She recounted her imprisonment to descent into madness. Neither of her friends said a word as she revealed the details behind the death of her family.

"That is all of it," Freya concluded, "I'm sorry. Will you ever forgive me?"

"At least you got rid of the traitor," Felix scoffed, referring to her father, "Now House Larkern can reunite with the Kingdom. Your father's men were all killed in a raid three years ago and only your father and sister remained."

Freya nodded her head silently. Ingrid sat beside her on the bed and hugged her old friend tightly.

"I've missed you," she said.

"Likewise," Freya revealed.

Five years later and Ingrid had cut her hair. She donned armour of a mint green shirt. She looked regal and powerful at the same time. Felix on the other hand had retained his long hair and traded his regal uniform to wear a fur lined vest and armour that accommodated for Faerghus' cold climate. Even Sylvain looked different. He was more rugged, but he still had his same personality underneath.

"What do we do about Dimitri?" Freya asked, "I swore an oath to follow him as his retainer since Dedue...."

Freya let her voice trail thinking of the Duscur man who sacrificed himself to protect her.

"We grew close over the five years. Looking back on it, it was negative, but I knew he had my back. There is still a bit of the old Dmitri, the kind one. We just have to bring him back out somehow."

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