Assault on Enbarr

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Part 2: Azure Moon

Verdant Rain Moon

Our Chosen Paths

Freya blinked waking from her slumber. She moved her head and saw the sunlight pouring through her window. It was well past morning and Freya laid back down on the pillow. How long had she fallen asleep? She sat up before realizing she was not wearing her armour and more importantly, that she was in her quarters.

Did Sylvain carry me here, Freya thought. She quickly changed for the day and stepped outside. She sat in the dining hall and noticed the eerily quiet that was in the monastery.

"Where is everyone?" Freya frowned, "Surely they did not leave without me."

"Finally awake, I see," Ingrid said and took a seat across from her.

"Where is everyone?" Freya asked her friend.

Ingrid paused, "I think Felix is at the Knight's Hall, Sylvain is somewhere outside and Dimitri is in the Cathedral with Dedue. I am not sure about everyone else."

Freya gave a nod, "Thanks, I was just curious."

She finished her meal and Ingrid excused herself to attend to business before they planned to assault the Imperial capital. Freya walked outside and saw Sylvain in the distance. She approached him quietly before speaking up.

"I know what you did last night," Freya said.

Sylvain jumped and turned around, "Freya, you startled me."

Freya smiled, "It's a gift. I just wanted to thank you. I guess I worked myself too hard taking Fort Merceus. No worries though, I am feeling ready to take Enbarr."

"It was no problem," Sylvain said scratching the back of his head, "After all, it is what a gentleman would do."

"Do you ever think about them?" Freya asked, referring to their former classmates back in their days at the Officer's Academy. The majority of them were dead while others stepped back from the war. She let her mind wander to Eliza and Claude. They left Fódlan, but what became of them?

"I think about them constantly," Sylvain admitted, "Seeing everyone in the old days was always enjoyable. I hope they are in a better place."

"Me too," Freya sighed taking in the view of Garreg Mach, "I guess after the war ends, we'll both be busy tending to our territories."

"Yeah..." Sylvain said, gripping the edge, "It will take a lot of work to return to what used to be normal. I guess I will have to reschedule a bunch of dates."

He flashed her his signature smile and Freya pushed him back, "You're intolerable sometimes, Sylvain."

"You're going to miss this," Sylvain smirked, "Speaking with me."

Freya lowered her head at those words. Indeed, she was. While others had territories and people to return to, Freya never felt so alone. Her territory was reduced to rubble and her people were barely scraping by. Her home was destroyed and beyond repair and those that she loved were dead. She would be returning back... Alone.

The feeling left her unsettled and Sylvain grabbed her wrist, "Freya, are you alright?"

Freya blinked and quickly nodded, "Yeah, I just zoned out."

Sylvain frowned as she retreated to her room to contemplate her future.

Weeks passed and the day came to infiltrate Enbarr. Freya was prepared and she rode Helios to the city. She swallowed fearing what awaited her. Would the goddess smile upon her or reap her life on the battlefield today? No one spoke in the days leading up to today except for a few quick words.

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