Smite with Silverlight (Freya's Paralogue)

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----- When Old Blades Cross -----

When Freya receives news of bandits attacking Larkern territory, she refuses to sit back and rushes out to help and comes across an old foe. 


Part 1: White Clouds

Horsebow Moon

Rumours of A Reaper

    "It is a suicide mission," Sylvain disagreed.

    Freya shook her head, "I have to, Syl. My father could be in danger. Besides it gives me the opportunity to avenge Mara."

Freya sighed, "My mind is made up."

Before Sylvain could say anything, Freya ran out of the monastery. The red head let out a frustrated sigh. He knew he could not stop her, but he knew she would be outnumbered. Sylvain's face lit up when he saw Byleth head over to him.

"What's wrong?" Byleth asked.

Sylvain frowned, "Freya received news that the bandits who terrorized House Larkern years ago have returned. She left to defend her father and her home, but these bandits are strong. She stands no chance alone. We have to go after her."

Byleth realized the severity of the situation. One of her students could potentially be killed. She gathered the rest of the Blue Lions and they traversed to the kingdom. Sylvain led the charge worried for his friend.

"Hold tight," he said, "We're coming, Freya."


Freya dug her feet in the dirt as she arrived home. Bandits filled the streets and terrorized the villagers. She let out a warrior cry striking them down as she made her way home. There were so many, she thought, No matter, they will all meet the same fate. Her legs carried her through the village as she remembered the day two years ago when everything changed.

"Watch your sister," her father, Lord Larkern, ordered.

Bandits had broken through the defences and the soldiers were fighting them off, but it was a losing fight. Screams filled the air as the fires raged around her. She looked at her younger sister, Mara who trembled at the sight. Mara was only fifteen and Freya sixteen. Mara held a bow in her hand with an arrow ready to fire while Freya gripped her sword.

"There's the Lord's daughters," The masked bandit shouted.

Freya gripped her sister's hand as they fled the scene with their foes in pursuit. Freya coughed in response to the smoke and panted.

"We have to fight," her sister said, stopping them.

"I promised father I would protect you," Freya said, shaking her head.

"You still will," Mara argued, "We can do this."

She nodded her head and the two sisters charged through the battlefield taking out bandits. In the midst of the chaos, they were separated. Freya looked around frantically for Mara.

"Mara!" She cried out scared.

A building collapsed and she ran towards it and noticed the bandits retreating. She stopped in her tracks as the fires died down around her. Her hand covered her mouth as she dropped to her knees numb. She pounded the floor, screaming her sister's name. The sound of laughter caught her attention as she raised her tear stained face. She saw a bandit holding a bloody sword through the smoke.

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