The Devil Within

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Part 1: White Clouds

Harpstring Moon

Mutiny in the Mist

    "This can't be happening," Ashe said to Freya distressed.

    Freya only frowned in response. Ashe's adoptive father, Lord Lenato of the Gaspard region was staging a rebellion. The Blue Lions had been assigned by Rhea to quell the mutiny. It was the hardest on Ashe who viewed him as a father. Freya could not imagine how he must feel.

    "You don't think he would do this, would you?"

    Freya frowned unsure what to think of it.

    "Ashe, I don't know."

    Ashe frowned, but nodded his head. Dimitri, Byleth and the soldier Catherine walked over to meet them on the battlefield.

    "I have to say... It's a real honor to accompany such a brave and distinguished knight. None other than Catherine, wielder of Thunderbrand!" Dimitri said in awe.

    "Thunderbrand?" Byleth asked, confused.

    Catherine pulled out her sword, "You mean you don't know? My weapon is called Thunderbrand. It's one of the Heroes' Relics. A long, long time ago, the goddess bestowed divine weapons upon 12 heroes, which were passed down to their descendents. It's an honor to wield, but I'm afraid there won't be any chance for that today. Our Mission is to help clean up the aftermath, not the fight."

    "Why would Lonato incite such a reckless rebellion?"

    "You should know more about that than any of us, Ashe."

    "Well, I don't. Lonato never mentioned anything of the like to me."

    Freya spoke, "Maybe he was just trying to protect you."

    "I agree with Freya," Dimitri said, "He probably didn't want you getting caught up in his own personal vendetta."

    "Is Ashe related to Lord Lonato?" Byleth asked.

    "I'm Lonato's adopted son. He raised as though I were his own blood. He was always so kind. I don't understand... I guess it has to do with Christophe."

    "How much do you know about the tragedy of Duscur, Professor?" Catherine asked Byleth.

    "I don't know much about it," the professor replied.

    "It's when the king of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus was... Was murdered by the people of Duscur. It happened about four years ago."

    Freya flinched remembering the awful time. She was only fourteen when it happened. That was when Dimitri's father was... Murdered.

    "It's okay Catherine," Dimitri said, "Please, go on."

    "Right," Catherine nodded, "Well, Lonato's son Christophe, was accused of being involved in that whole awful affair. He was executed by the church."

"The church executes criminals?" Byleth said shocked.

"Speaking from the church's perspective, we simply passed down judgement according to our doctrine in place of the kingdom, which was in complete chaos," Catherine defended, "Whatever the truth behind that incident may be, Lord Lonato has harboured resentment toward the church ever since. Well... To be more specific, his grudge isn't only against the church. It's also against the one who turned Christophe over to them..."

Freya widened her eyes sensing the truth behind Catherine's words. Before she could speak out about the topic, a soldier came running towards them.

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