Chess Game, Mind Games

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Part 1: White Clouds

Harpstring Moon

Familiar Scenery

A strong warrior was as strong mentally as they were physically. That was important to Freya as she paid extra attention to Byleth who was giving them a lecture. She made quick notes and looked around seeing what everyone else was doing.

    They all were engulfed in their books. Ashe was at the front speaking to Byleth while Ingrid waited behind him for her turn. She looked beside her to see Sylvain concentrating on his textbook intensely. Unbeknownst to her, Byleth had walked in front of her and caught her attention by clearing her throat.

    "Oh, Professor," Freya said shocked, "What can I do for you?"

    "I have an interesting lesson on swords and I thought that you would be interested."

    Freya nodded her head, "Sounds like a plan. I am quite interested to see what skills you learned while you were a mercenary."

    The usually stoic professor gave the hint of a smile as she presented her with the lesson. She smiled understanding it. Then she switched to teaching her about the politics of Fódlan. Freya frowned as the history was grilled into her head. She sighed after Byleth was done.

    "My mind is done," Freya frowned.

    "Nonsense, you were doing well," Byleth critiqued her, "You have the basis of the topic. You just need to study a little more."

    Freya let out a smile, "Thanks for the encouragement. I'll get it next time."

    Byleth smiled in return as she went to her seat and studied for the remainder of the class. The professor was correct. As the week progressed, she grew a deeper understanding of the subject of politics and was pleased with herself.

    On Friday, she was sitting at her desk when Byleth stopped in front of her.

    "Oh, what can I do for you, Professor?" She asked and Byleth replied, "I'm giving you a group project."

    She made a face, "You mean like a chore?"

    She recalled those nasty tasks that Hanneman assigned her numerous times prior to the start of the school year. From weeding to stable duty. She was a warrior, not a maid. Though patrolling the skies on pegasus' was fun.

"It can be fun depending on how you look at it. You won't do the task alone. Later today you will complete the task and report back to me with the results."

Freya sighed knowing it was futile to fight.

"What are you assigning me with?" She asked praying it wasn't weeding.

Byleth smiled, "A field of weeds have your name on it."

Freya's face dropped at the news and that was when Byleth let out a low chuckle. Freya was astounded and then narrowed her eyes.

"You're lying, Professor," Freya said, "And here I thought you weren't one to make jokes."

"Your real assignment is pegasus duty," Byleth answered, "You'll report to the stables and your partner will meet you there. That is all."

Byleth left without another word and Freya sighed wondering who it could possibly be. She thought of her classmates. Ingrid was skilled and enjoyed the task. They would get along. Felix would most likely complain that it would interfere with his training and Freya could not help but agree with him. Ashe would be excited. Annette would be nervous. Mercedes would be more concerned about her well being over the task. Dimitri was kind enough. And Sylvain... No words could describe what doing a chore with him was like.

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