The Battle for Garreg Mach pt. 1

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Part 1: White Clouds

Lone Moon

To War

"Professor," Dedue said, "The Empire has declared war on the Church of Seiros."

"We knew this day would come, sooner than later," Sylvain sighed.

"What's going to happen?" Annette asked, scared.

"Don't worry," Byleth tried to reassure the students.

Ingrid shook her head, "We can't afford to be optimistic. It's entirely possible the Kingdom will be invaded."

"Settle yourself, Ingrid. We need to carefully consider our options," Sylvain told her.

"We can't just act rashly," Ashe said, "That will only make things worse."

"Once we've ascertained the situation, we must return to Fhirdiad," Dedue said, "Your Highness ..."

Dimitri was silent and that scared Freya more than anything.

They dispersed, but Dimitri's sharp voice stopped Freya from moving, "Freya, I need to speak with you."

Sylvain, Felix and Ingrid looked at the prince and then Freya concerned for their friend. Freya gave them a reassuring smile promising to be with them soon. When they left and it was just her and Dimitri alone in the room, Dimitri spoke to her.

"Do you still stand by your vow to stand with me?" He asked her.

Freya bowed her head, "Of course, Your Highness ."

He turned facing Freya. His cold eyes meeting hers, "Through thick and thin, you always did, didn't you?"

Freya remained silent as to not anger him. She had seen glimpses of this side of him, but never to this extent.

"You can feel the betrayal, can't you?" He asked her, "I know the beast tried to sway your mind. To make you join it."

Freya flinched at him questioning her loyalties, "I always turned her offers down. My loyalty is to you."

"I recently made a discovery," Dimitri told her, "One that connects to your sister's death."

Freya widened her eyes at the mention of Mara's killers.

"What of it?" She asked gruffly.

"The people who attacked you and your sister were not bandits," Dimitri said to her, "They were Imperial soldiers from the Empire."

Freya clenched her fists at the new revelation. Had Edelgard always known about this? She swallowed as Dimitri continued to speak, "I know you seek vengeance of your own. We have discussed this matter before, have we not?"

Freya nodded her head, "Yes, Your Highness, we have."

"We will avenge those that could not fight. We will take down the beast and her regime. We will slaughter them by the thousands. It will not be pretty, but is what must be done. Are you prepared to die for me?"

Freya was silent. She did not want to die. She just wanted her sister to be avenged, but the path to retribution was a dark and long one. She would have to sacrifice everything to gain what she desired. She lifted her head, "I am your soldier. Command me as you must so long as our promise stays true."

Dimitri looked at her in approval, "I see the bloodlust in your eyes and the anger you build up inside of you. Channel that into battle and our foes will fall. You are dismissed."

Freya bowed and left the room. She opened the door and immediately was pulled in by Sylvain. Before she could say his name, he was already whispering in her ear, "I heard everything."

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